A libary for extended release notes functions using FAKE.
This library requires git to access your commit history.
Package Name | Nuget |
Fake.Extensions.Release |
While testing i ran into some erros that you might also encounter:
- When using BlackFox.Fake.BuildTask make sure to use
BuildTask.runOrDefaultWithArguments defaultTask
. When running standard Fake referenceTarget.runOrDefaultWithArguments defaultTarget
module ProjectInfo =
let gitOwner = "Freymaurer"
let gitName = "Fake.Extensions.Release"
module ReleaseNoteTasks =
open Fake.Extensions.Release
let createAssemblyVersion = BuildTask.create "createvfs" [] {
AssemblyVersion.create ProjectInfo.gitName
let updateReleaseNotes = BuildTask.createFn "ReleaseNotes" [] (fun config ->
ReleaseNotes.update(ProjectInfo.gitOwner, ProjectInfo.gitName, config)
let githubDraft = BuildTask.createFn "GithubDraft" [] (fun config ->
let body = "We are ready to go for the first release!"
(Some body),
This function creates a AssemblyVersion.fs with the following content. It accesses the RELEASE_NOTES.md for version and date information.
// Auto-Generated by FAKE; do not edit
namespace System
open System.Reflection
[<assembly: AssemblyTitleAttribute("Fake.Extensions.Release")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyVersionAttribute("0.2.0")>]
[<assembly: AssemblyMetadataAttribute("ReleaseDate","08/02/2021")>]
do ()
module internal AssemblyVersionInformation =
let [<Literal>] AssemblyTitle = "Fake.Extensions.Release"
let [<Literal>] AssemblyVersion = "0.2.0"
let [<Literal>] AssemblyMetadata_ReleaseDate = "08/02/2021"
This functions checks if RELEASE_NOTES.md exists on the same directory level and if not creates it with the following content.
### 0.0.0 (Released 2021-2-5)
* Additions:
* Initial set up for RELEASE_Notes.md
It takes optional parameters:
Next SemVer:
- 1.1.1 →
→ increases 1.1.2 - 1.1.1 →
→ increases 1.2.0 - 1.1.1 →
→ increases 2.0.0
Next Prerelease
- 1.1.1 →
→ 1.1.1-any.prerelease.youwant.01
Crawled last commits:
→ Crawl lastinteger
commits for last used commit. Default 30.- Example:
→ Crawl last 50 commits.
- Example:
The function will check all git commits since the last one used, and add them to the RELEASE_NOTES.md. If no additonal param is given then the latest commits are added to the latest release notes. If a optional param is given the version is increased and all not-yet-added commits are added to the new version. In all cases the latest commit is added as additional metadata to SemVer in the RELEASE_NOTES.md.
Here is an example from this repository.
### 0.3.0+83f3e48 (Released 2022-7-25)
* Additions:
* [[#ded1898](https://github.com/Freymaurer/Fake.Extensions.Release/commit/ded1898269a42af82c20faca79ac82528e10a5d0)] Add build.fsproj
* [[#1dcc57b](https://github.com/Freymaurer/Fake.Extensions.Release/commit/1dcc57b78341e6fa452fad0b7b236af558fd0c9c)] Add unit tests :white_check_mark:
* [[#e5823b3](https://github.com/Freymaurer/Fake.Extensions.Release/commit/e5823b347ab4a9ddad970d305abe79cb857e2234)] Update ReleasNote parsing with now correct SemVer :sparkles:
* [[#23e6880](https://github.com/Freymaurer/Fake.Extensions.Release/commit/23e688001553162d8c21df85a12847cd706e640b)] Update README.md
* [[#cc6d9ad](https://github.com/Freymaurer/Fake.Extensions.Release/commit/cc6d9ad66b6f6c9861ad3601396822283991e331)] Update README.md
* Deletions:
* [[#83f3e48](https://github.com/Freymaurer/Fake.Extensions.Release/commit/83f3e487a03a2a7be75350e3a3c5a025171c2040)] Remove build.fsx logic
### 0.2.0+b0216ab (Released 2021-2-8)
* Additions:
* latest commit #b0216ab // This was added due to a bug in Fake.ReleaseNotes, which is now fixed
* [[#b0216ab](https://github.com/Freymaurer/Fake.Extensions.Release/commit/b0216abe97c2ac841cd40b6ee260790022c7e2e1)] Update README.md :books:
* [[#55dc4b9](https://github.com/Freymaurer/Fake.Extensions.Release/commit/55dc4b9ba64eaf676809436f0e69f4a9106fa729)] Change library namespace (Issue #1).
* Bugfixes:
* [[#819179e](https://github.com/Freymaurer/Fake.Extensions.Release/commit/819179eeb712cfbd2ebbecb6ad33fb35e371d085)] Fix nuget package release notes.
* [[#9598d25](https://github.com/Freymaurer/Fake.Extensions.Release/commit/9598d25f00a4876e789a1e8d05919014feca3b03)] Fix hardcoded commit url (Issue #2).
This function will use the latest release notes from RELEASE_NOTES.md and push them to a Github release draft. To do this the function needs an additional parameter token:GithubToken
. Such a GithubToken can be created here: https://github.com/settings/tokens.
Alternatively you can set the GithubToken as environmental variable with the name github_token
Exmp: fake build -t githubdraft token:uniquetokenitdent
This will create a github release draft with the latest release notes and a customizable body message shown above.
Should you use the generated RELEASE_NOTES.md to populate your nuget release notes you migth want to remove the commit urls as nuget does not parse markdown.
You cna do this with the following functions.
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let commitLinkPattern = @"\[\[#[a-z0-9]*\]\(.*\)\] "
let replaceCommitLink input= Regex.Replace(input,commitLinkPattern,"")