
Ultimate Excel Gantt Chart

MIT LicenseMIT

Ultimate Excel Gantt Chart

I spent 4 hours of my weekend time to create this Gantt chart by following Youtube link below. Credit to original developer.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OizqFlMtZLQ&ab_channel=TheOfficeLab https://excelfind.com/excel_templates/ultimate-excel-gantt-chart/

Spent another countless hours to add more features to make this Gantt chart to be more viable.

Main Features

  • Auto colouring
  • Task's predecessors (Start-to-Start, Finish-to-Start, Finish-to-Finish, Start-to-Finish)
  • Non working day
  • Support up to 14 roles assignment
  • Progress tracking
  • Gantt snapshot tracking
  • Critical tasks display
  • Many more....

Overview of Gantt Chart image image image image

Overview of Settings Tab image image

My work will stay free. Feel free to buy me a cup of coffee if you like my work. 😁

Paypal: https://paypal.me/FooYangYi?country.x=MY&locale.x=en_US

Touch N Go: