
A Library Management system developed for IT-Department of SGSITS Indore. It is mainly built using JAVA Swing with sqlite Database connectivity.

Primary LanguageJava


A Library Management system developed for IT-Department of SGSITS Indore. It is mainly built using JAVA Swing with sqlite Database connectivity.

P.S : It has been coded when I was in my 2nd year of engineering i.e. in 2014, so You might find code or coding style outdated

how to use

  • Download the Executable files.zip
  • unzip it.
  • double click on Library.bat.
  • Put Username and password, both as "admin"

Features Screenshots

Security : Login using Username and password. Can be changed on-demand. Login

Options like Check books, Book issue, Book Return, Settings etc main menu

Add, update,delete book's data Books

Issue book to a student OR Faculty Books issue

Return Process Books return

how to modify Source code.

In Src.main.resources , extract the latest sqlite.zip and paste it. [Starting folder should be "Org"] It will be required to connect with the DB.