[] (https://codeclimate.com/github/ministryofjustice/defence-solicitor)
[] (https://codeclimate.com/github/ministryofjustice/defence-solicitor)
See .env.development or .env.test
Override local ENV variables in .env.local dotenv docs
To get the application running locally, you need to:
git clone git@github.com:ministryofjustice/defence-request-service.git
It is recommended that you use a ruby version manager such as rbenv or rvm
cd defence-request-service bundle install
bundle exec rake db:create bundle exec rake db:migrate bundle exec rake db:seed
This application uses a corresponding oauth server, which will also need to be running locally. It can be found here
cd defence-request-service && bundle exec rails server cd defence-request-service-auth && bundle exec rails server
You can find the service app running on
To run the tests, you will need to install PhantomJS, the test suite is known to be working with version 1.9.7
, it may or may not work with other versions. To run the tests, use the command: bundle exec rake