- Install boot2docker and docker-compose (See https://docs.docker.com/installation/mac/ and http://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ for details)
- Run
boot2docker ip
to get the IP address of the docker server - You may need to run ```boot2docker up`` to get the VM running
- Run ```boot2docker shellinit`` to display the environment variables you should set. You may need to edit your ~/.bash_profile (or equivalent) and set these variables, as well as open a new shell
The first time you want to run things in Docker (or each time you adjust your Gemfile) you will need to do the following:
- Build your local containers:
cd defence-request-service && make production_container && cd ..
cd defence-request-service-auth && make production_container && cd ..
cd defence-request-service-rota && make production_container && cd ..
cd defence-request-service-smoke-tests && make && cd ..
Note that docker-compose.yml assumes you have the other projects (auth, service, and rota) in the parent directory:
your-mac-name:ministryofjustice you$ ls -lad defence-request-service*
drwxr-xr-x 34 you staff 1156 21 Apr 23:55 defence-request-service
drwxr-xr-x 34 you staff 1156 23 Apr 11:21 defence-request-service-auth
drwxr-xr-x 31 you staff 1054 22 Apr 17:08 defence-request-service-rota
drwxr-xr-x 12 you staff 408 23 Apr 11:29 defence-request-service-smoke-tests
your-mac-name:ministryofjustice you$
Once initialised, running the tests should be as simple as the following:
cd defence-request-service-smoke-tests && ./bin/smoke-tests
- the test order is not randomised
- the 'log-in' test (named 01_) and the 'log-out' test (named 99_) should be run first and last respectively
You will need to have built the containers as per the instructions above. Once that's done, you can run the full test suite as follows:
cd defence-request-service-smoke-tests && BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=username BROWSERSTACK_PASSWORD=password ./bin/smoke-tests bundle exec rake browserstack:run
Sometimes you will want to make edits against the spec/*_spec.rb files and run tests immediately, without rebuilding docker containers.
Additionally, you might want to run a test against a single browser while you diagnose problems with only a failing browser test.
NOTE You will need to have built the containers as per the instructions above.
You will need two terminal windows to be able
Run the main containers, and leave them running the foreground to view logs:
$ docker-compose up
Recreating defencerequestservicesmoketests_db_1...
Recreating defencerequestservicesmoketests_auth_1...
$ docker run -t -i -v `pwd`:/usr/src \ --link defencerequestservicesmoketests_auth_1:auth \ --link defencerequestservicesmoketests_srv_1:srv \ --link defencerequestservicesmoketests_rota_1:rota \ defence-request-service-smoke:test_localbuild /bin/bash
Once in the container, you can list the browsers - and their associated JSON setup strings:
root@c5fcf1b33ff1:/usr/src# bundle exec rake browserstack:browsers
1: 7.0 ie XP Windows - {"browser_version":"7.0","browser":"ie","os_version":"XP","device":null,"os":"Windows"}
2: ie 7 8.0 Windows - {"browser":"ie","os_version":"7","browser_version":"8.0","device":null,"os":"Windows"}
You can then run an individual browser test as follows:
root@c5fcf1b33ff1:/usr/src# BUILD_NUMBER=build_`date +%s` BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=SET_THIS_TO_YOUR_USERNAME BROWSERSTACK_PASSWORD=SET_THIS_TO_YOUR_PASSWORD BROWSERSTACK_BROWSER='{"browser":"ie","os_version":"7","browser_version":"9.0","os":"Windows"}' bundle exec rspec
Once done, type 'exit', and press control-c in the docker-compose terminal window.