
Integrate Friendly Captcha to fight spam in your Craft CMS forms

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Friendly Captcha plugin for Craft CMS 3.x, 4.x and 5.x

Integrate Friendly Captcha to fight spam in your Craft CMS forms



This plugin requires Craft CMS 3, 4 or 5


To install the plugin, follow these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

    cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

    composer require digitalpulsebe/craft-friendly-captcha

    when using Craft 3.x use plugin version 1:

    composer require digitalpulsebe/craft-friendly-captcha:^1.0.0
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for Friendly Captcha. Or run:

    php craft plugin/install friendly-captcha

Friendly Captcha keys

Create an account for Friendly Captcha https://friendlycaptcha.com/

Generate a sitekey and an API key and put them in the plugin settings or .env-file

Configuring Friendly Captcha


Using Friendly Captcha

On every form you want to use, you need to render the widget inside the form.

In you template, put this inside the <form>-tag

{{ craft.friendlyCaptcha.renderWidget() }}

You have to enable the forms you want to validate in the settings:

  • Contact Forms plugin (Submission::EVENT_BEFORE_VALIDATE)
  • User registration form (User::EVENT_BEFORE_VALIDATE)

When you want to validate the request in your custom controller run this:

use digitalpulsebe\friendlycaptcha\FriendlyCaptcha;

// ...

if (!FriendlyCaptcha::$plugin->validate->validateRequest()) {
   // add error here

To show error messages in your form, use the submission object (check implementation of the controller you use):

{{ craft.friendlyCaptcha.renderWidget() }}
{{ submission ? _self.errorList(submission.getErrors('friendlyCaptcha')) }}

Using Friendly Captcha with Formie

Use the digitalpulse/craft-formie-friendly-captcha plugin with Formie.

Widget options

You can pass an array of attributes to the renderWidget()-function. Read the Attribute API HTML tags-section in the Friendly Captcha docs.


{{ craft.friendlyCaptcha.renderWidget({'data-lang': 'fr'}) }}


The Friendly Captcha widget and logo belong to Friendly Captcha