
About ❓

This project consists of a hotel reservation system: one microservice to manage room availability, one to manage reservations, and one to manage financial transactions.

Microservices Border Diagram

This diagram aims to define the boundaries of each application, as well as the definitions of each microservice:

HotelLA drawio

Skills Developed 🧠

  • Object Oriented Modeling;
  • Classes, Attributes, Methods, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism;
  • Lists, Arraylist ;
  • Spring Boot Framework;
  • Dependencies Spring Web, H2, Spring Data JPA, Webflux and Lombok;
  • REST Clients, Query Methods;
  • Monolithic software and microservice architectures;
  • Domain Driven Design;
  • Saga pattern, RabbitMQ, Kafka;
  • Git and Github commands.

Technologies 👩‍💻

  • Java 17;
  • SDK 17.0.5;
  • Maven.

How to run the project 👀

Clone the repository

git clone <paste link>

Build the project and run it from the terminal

./mvnw spring-boot:run

Build the project and run it from InteliJ

Click "Run" button in IntelliJ

Authors 👩‍💻