- 3
`kernel.environment`config: mistmatch between documentation and implementation
#215 opened by tucksaun - 11
Unable to run after instalation
#146 opened by AntonioCS - 15
Environment variable not found since symfony 5.1
#126 opened by jfsenechal - 12
Dependency injection not working fresh install
#133 opened by kennaar - 1
- 0
Deprecation warning
#210 opened by garak - 1
Allow symfony 7.x
#209 opened by bitgandtter - 0
Allow to not isolate the kernel
#208 opened by theofidry - 2
Button clicking
#202 opened by magikid - 0
Hook into Symfony Events
#204 opened by tacman - 1
Isolation is not clear
#79 opened by ruudk - 11
Interacting with the driverContainer doesn't work when running multiple scenario in a row
#149 opened by walva - 1
- 2
- 1
DemoContext error
#171 opened by antoine-nedelec - 0
Load contexts from path
#188 opened by helyakin - 1
Autoload contexts in Symfony
#143 opened by alejgr - 0
Add a way to access other extensions containers
#186 opened by alanpoulain - 2
Too many connections - Doctrine
#104 opened by asoupper - 0
Update Psalm to the newest version
#180 opened by pamil - 0
It is not possible to suppress errors
#173 opened by hulkthedev - 1
Flex installation missing configuration
#131 opened by guyenot-jeremy - 1
- 0
Bootstrap absolute path
#151 opened by bertdk - 0
- 7
PHP 8.0 compatibility is merged, but not released
#144 opened by Nek- - 1
Error when installing the package on Symfony 4.4
#135 opened by johnkrovitch - 9
using "Behatch\Context\RestContext" cause The service has a dependency on a non-existent service "behatch.http_call.request"
#111 opened by masoud91 - 1
Service injection not working
#132 opened by unixslayer - 5
Provide Panther driver for Mink
#70 opened by pamil - 2
composer error installing mink
#128 opened by I-Valchev - 19
The service "test.client" has a dependency on a non-existent service "test.client.history".
#88 opened by DonCallisto - 3
- 12
Kernel autodiscover
#89 opened by DonCallisto - 3
[Question] Version 2.1.0
#113 opened by matlar83 - 5
Trouble to make behatch MinkContext workink
#85 opened by Mathieudewet - 5
How can I mock behavior of the services in the 'fob_symfony.driver_kernel'?
#94 opened by arkadiy-lysenko - 2
Getting different service injected into context
#110 opened by Chrisissorry - 3
- 2
Conflict with Symplify Package Builder
#112 opened by alanpoulain - 1
Attempted to load class "BrowserKitDriver" from namespace "Behat\Mink\Driver".
#109 opened by piotrbrzezina - 4
New release for providing Symfony 5 support
#103 opened by DavidGarciaCat - 0
Provide a BrowserKit API alternative to Mink
#67 opened by pamil - 4
"behat.service_container" service is synthetic error when using context with page object class
#99 opened by walterdolce - 9
Mink session access
#80 opened by lchrusciel - 1
- 4
Can't get it to work with Behatch Contexts
#90 opened by asimonf - 3
Mink installation fails
#91 opened by vjandrea - 1
Possible issue with mixed sessions
#73 opened by mmenozzi - 1