- 5
[PSA] Sunsetting Blitz
#66 opened by JayPanoz - 4
- 4
"italic inversion" rules for .normal, .italics
#23 opened by pkra - 2
Portrait/full page image styling
#25 opened by momoha2 - 1
Review + test break-before and break-after
#30 opened by JayPanoz - 1
#38 opened by JayPanoz - 11
- 2
[Reset] nav ol
#56 opened by JayPanoz - 1
Double-check clean-css optimisations
#60 opened by JayPanoz - 1
Add visual regression tests for dev
#61 opened by JayPanoz - 1
Publish on npm
#19 opened by JayPanoz - 1
Update template
#18 opened by JayPanoz - 2
[Feedback required] Progressive enhancements
#12 opened by JayPanoz - 1
Lighten typo.less
#6 opened by JayPanoz - 5
How to have asterisms inherit the text color?
#62 opened by lifepillar - 1
- 3
Tables: Why is td padding-left only 10px?
#53 opened by ptmkenny - 1
Please tag the 1.4.1 release
#42 opened by ptmkenny - 3
Cropped numbers in lists on iPhone
#40 opened by momoha2 - 0
Consider removing MQ plugin
#36 opened by JayPanoz - 0
Consider moving Kindle stylesheet into base
#35 opened by JayPanoz - 1
Consider removing AccessibilityAPI and AccessibilityControl from Template metadata, and keep only the essential items
#32 opened by JayPanoz - 1
Table cell padding
#33 opened by spajak - 8
figure page-break avoid causing issues on kindle
#29 opened by pkra - 4
small-caps text-tranform
#28 opened by pkra - 1
JS Dev Tools
#7 opened by JayPanoz - 2
- 1
LESS + CSS Presets
#2 opened by JayPanoz - 1
- 1
- 0
- 3
Feedback and Support
#24 opened by kerberosmansour - 3
Add a license?
#17 opened by kljensen - 2
Kindle: nav landmarks not hidden
#14 opened by finanzer - 2
Kindle: Numbers in nav not suppressed
#13 opened by finanzer - 0
Hyphenation needs a rectification
#15 opened by JayPanoz - 3
LESS CSS + @supports bubbling + escaping
#11 opened by JayPanoz - 2
Official Nook support
#3 opened by JayPanoz - 3
- 1
Review usage of (-webkit-)locale
#9 opened by JayPanoz - 3
Asterism KF8
#1 opened by JayPanoz