
Autosync FriendsOfGalaxy forks with corresponding base repo integration for GOG Galaxy 2.0.

Setup requirements for integration

  • is deployed on Github
  • has release branch named fog_release (other rules apply only to this branch; if it doesn't exists default branch may be used)
  • dependencies
    • those not installable by pip should be committed to the git repository in ready-to-use state
    • those installable by pip are stored in standard pip format in requirements/app.txt in the repository root (requirements.txt may also used)
      • dependencies are pinned (only using '==') - this is for easier security checks and building final package by us
  • has valid manifest.json with all fields listed in Galaxy Plugin Python API documentation
    • "version" - in Semantic Versioning but without extensions like "beta" - to be comparable
    • "script" - cannot link to upper directory file

Example of repository structure:

Build process

fog_release branch is searched for manifest.json location automatically. The direct parent of manifest.json is treated as source directory. Only content of source directory along with all of its subdirectories is copied to the build directory during release package preparation.

Dependencies are installed to root of build directory or its subdirectory specified in .fog_config.json file using pip's --target option.


Optional config file .fog_config.json, if used, has to be placed in the root directory of the git repository. Currently supported parameters:

Name Default Description
dependencies_dir "." Directory where dependencies are installed. Relative to directory where manifest.json is placed.

Exemplary .fog_config.json

    "dependencies_dir": "third-party-modules"