
Performance improvements for Shopware

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


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Performance Improvements for Shopware



  • Removes Shopware Querystring from font
  • Minify Html Output (Included with Shopware 5.6)
  • Http 2 Server Push (Included with Shopware 5.6)
  • Caching of plugin configuration (Included with Shopware 5.6)
  • Purify-CSS Integration


  • min Shopware 5.4.0


Zip Installation package for the Shopware Plugin Manager

  • Download the latest plugin version (e.g. FroshPerformance-1.0.0.zip)
  • Upload and install plugin using Plugin Manager

Git Version

  • Checkout Plugin in /custom/plugins/FroshPerformance
  • Change to Directory and run composer install to install the dependencies
  • Install the Plugin with the Plugin Manager

Install with composer

  • Change to your root Installation of shopware
  • Run command composer require frosh/performance and install and activate the plugin in the Plugin Manager


Feel free to fork and send pull requests!


This project uses the MIT License.