- 2
- 5
Officially deprecate the package
#698 opened by theofidry - 6
Symfony 6.0 compatibility
#693 opened by daniel-plewinski - 0
OAuthStorage still uses EncoderFactoryInterface
#704 opened by hegdedr - 2
PHP 81 Compatibility
#701 opened by ManulMax - 5
- 2
SF4 mongodb not finding odm
#696 opened by spin7ion - 9
The mapping file Client.mongodb.xml is invalid
#633 opened by Evertt - 3
Getting attribute 'fieldName': The attribute 'fieldName' is not all !! owed.
#699 opened by rupeshwankhede - 1
PHP 8 Deprecated on getAlias Method
#691 opened by woydadrien - 0
Errors found when auto_mapping is disabled and I didn't heed the instructions about mappings
#695 opened by zyphlar - 0
PKCE flow support?
#694 opened by Gregoire-M - 8
Time for a new release ?
#671 opened by cpjolly - 1
With symfony 4.4 I'm getting Argument 1 passed to FOS\OAuthServerBundle\Entity\ClientManager::__construct() must be an instance of Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager
#686 opened by pankujoshi - 2
Symfony 4.1 configuration problems
#588 opened by brutalnv - 1
2.0 timeline and next tagged release?
#682 opened by alanhartless - 0
Suggested way to handle deactivated users
#683 opened by fliespl - 2
Security fix for FriendsOfSymfony/oauth2-php
#641 opened by DeChaun - 2
PHP8 support
#672 opened by mjankowskitech - 0
How to get OAuthToken instead of UserPasswordToken?
#673 opened by softrare - 0
How to add a custom Authentication Provider
#674 opened by softrare - 50
[2.0] Support for Symfony 5.0
#625 opened by alcaeus - 1
Remove dependency on random_compat < 1.x
#597 opened by Trekels - 0
- 3
- 0
Question about fos_auth_server.yaml
#640 opened by softrare - 1
- 3
- 0
Implicit flow enabled by default for every client
#637 opened by marekm4 - 1
- 1
User is null even after authentication
#595 opened by suchith6982 - 0
Problem with second client
#632 opened by jllaurado - 0
1 passed to Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserChecker::checkPreAuth() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface, string give
#629 opened by abn117 - 0
ensure_logout with CSRF Token
#628 opened by christoph-pflueger - 0
Remove Allow Deny and redirect directly
#627 opened by nasrithamer - 4
OpenId Provider
#626 opened by abdul-jabbar01 - 1
The spaceless tag in FOSOAuthServerBundle::form.html.twig at line 3 is deprecated since Twig 2.7, use the spaceless filter instead
#618 opened by crmpicco - 0
Q: how to plug in multiple user entity?
#615 opened by meshenka - 1
How access api protest without access_token
#613 opened by Noido - 0
FOSOAuthServer can't access authorization page
#612 opened by sam09torres - 2
Controller "fos_oauth_server.controller.authorize" does neither exist as service nor as class
#607 opened by zpete - 1
- 2
/oauth/v2/auth returns 404
#608 opened by raveesgohiel9 - 0
Class "FOS\OAuthServerBundle\Entity\RefreshToken" sub class of "FOS\OAuthServerBundle\Model\RefreshToken" is not a valid entity or mapped super class.
#606 opened by slik95 - 1
Extend OAuthStorage with LDAP
#604 opened by kapcus - 0
Doctrine does not extend FOS\OAuthServerBundle\Entity\Client From App\Entity\User\Client
#603 opened by naive17 - 1
- 1
- 0
ensure logout throws error with SF4 and PHP7
#591 opened by romg974 - 0
Error in oauth.xml causes fatal error if symfony app wants to override token service
#589 opened by joseph11