Provides user management for your Symfony project. Compatible with Doctrine ORM & ODM, and custom storages.
- 1
Update to DBAL 4.x.x
#3088 opened by mrbinr - 3
Upgraded to Symfony 6 from 5.4, can no longer log in (Error: The presented password is invalid.)
#3087 opened by kcaporaso - 1
Issue with fos:user:deactivate
#3061 opened by TPSONLINE-INFO - 1
Symfony 6 LastLoginListener:: error
#3070 opened by gekomod - 1
- 1
Allow Symfony 7
#3066 opened by simoheinonen - 5
- 1
- 2
XmlDriver Exception migrating to PHP 8.2
#3065 opened by yard-mschwartz - 2
Migration fos user 2.x to 3.x -> groups depreciation
#3063 opened by salamichel - 0
Registration: email confirmation
#3062 opened by TPSONLINE-INFO - 2
fos_user.listener.email_confirmation depends on non-existent service "session"
#3049 opened by phucwan91 - 0
- 1
PHP8.1 : deprecated function
#3053 opened by ziedjlassi - 3
Can't use incorrect type mixed for collection in FOS\UserBundle\Model\User:id
#3054 opened by aurelienpiquet - 23
symfony 5.0
#2943 opened by gulaandrij - 1
FlashListener fix not included in the release
#3034 opened by ErdemUyanik - 9
Release version 3.0
#3029 opened by ajgarlag - 0
User->isAccountNonLocked used in ResettingListener but missing in UserInterface
#3028 opened by kowalk - 1
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Not Working for MongoDB
#2948 opened by azamalvi - 2
composer require not working
#3027 opened by vld666 - 3
SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1366 Incorrect string value: '\xB2{_#h<...' for column `my_database`.`user`.`password` at row 1
#2938 opened by Clem-D - 3
Is this project maintained?
#2996 opened by gustawdaniel - 11
Will this bundle support future symfony version (5) or is this project stopped?
#2998 opened by akilshadi - 1
App\Entity\User not recognized
#2946 opened by mchojrin - 2
FOSUser always trigger deprecation notice
#2978 opened by dunglas - 1
- 1
- 1
Deprecated annotations using mongoDB 1.3
#2941 opened by Yasti4 - 9
Problem with Symfony 4.4.0 TWIG
#2944 opened by mateuszmalecki - 1
- 1
#2969 opened by kefimaher - 2
Password changed on update user without given any setPassword() or setPlainPassword()
#2970 opened by lilworks - 1
User Deprecated: Calling the "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface::dispatch()" method with the event name as first argument is deprecated since Symfony 4.3, pass it second and provide the event object first instead.
#2972 opened by Alfro - 5
password_hash constants changed in PHP 7.4 resulting in error 500 when user registers
#2950 opened by michaelmo5 - 1
findUserByEmail does not check soft deleted records and throw UniqueConstraintViolationException
#2988 opened by ziarv - 13
- 2
Symfony 4.3+ deprecation warning
#2990 opened by netandreus - 3
Support PHP 8.0
#2994 opened by YetiCGN - 0
- 3
- 1
Username is already used - forces logout
#2981 opened by lookbadgers - 2
version 2.2, version 3 - deprecation of Groups
#2968 opened by ovgray - 0
FOS\UserBundle\Entity\User username property inside custom class' annotation for fulltext index
#2975 opened by vaklinzi - 1
fos.user.user_manager->updateUser() returning EntityManager#persist() expects parameter 1 to be an entity object, NULL given. error
#2964 opened by sterichards - 3
- 0
Cannot inject decorator in FlashListener.
#2931 opened by oleg-andreyev - 2
New release version
#2927 opened by core23 - 1
resetting.check_email uses %email% but it isn't set
#2926 opened by Hanmac