DCS Battleground

Originally created for the french community Liaison-16, DCS Battleground is an open source tool for visualizing the battlefield of DCS servers and sharing scouting elements and flight plans between pilots. It was designed from sneaker and uses the Tacview protocol to communicate with DCS. It has Discord's authentication and is interfaced with the Special K's Server bot.

A live example of DCS Battlegound can be viewed here.

UI preview


  1. Download the latest released version from here.
  2. Create a configuration file based off the example, replacing the required information (and optionally adding multiple servers to the array)
  3. Run the executable with the configuration path: DCSBattleground.exe --config config.json --bind


DCS Battleground features a built-in Discord authentication

  1. Create a new Discord Application
  2. Configure the redirect url (used later) and copy the client id and client secret UI preview
  3. Add the following to your config.json:
  "servers": [
      "name": "ServAlias",								//Don't compliant with special characters
	  "dcsname": "Name of your server on DCS ",					//To link the DCS Battleground's server with DCS's server
      "hostname": "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX",							//Hostname or IP address of the Tacview server
      "port": 1234,									//Port of the Tacview server
	  "password": "password",							//Password of the Tacview server
      "radar_refresh_rate": 5,								//Ping time of collecting data from tacview
	  "serverbot_coalition_system": true,						//Plug and play Special K's coalition system (need the "database" data)
	  "default_coalition": "",							//Default coalition if the user have not coalition (can be "blue", "red", "GM" or "")
      "enable_friendly_ground_units": true,						//Show friendly ground units
      "enable_enemy_ground_units": true,						//Show enemy ground units
	  "enemy_ground_units_ratio": 40,						//Show a enemy ground unit every 40 units
	  "enemy_ground_units_max_quantity": 10,					//Show max 10 enemy units on the map (-1 to deactivate this feature)
	  "enable_friendly_flight_units": true,						//Show friendly aircraft
	  "enable_enemy_flight_units": true,						//Show enemy aircraft
	  "view_aircraft_when_in_flight": true						//Hide enemy aircraft when the user is connected to DCS (need to link the discord account with DCS account with .link command's)
  "serverbot": true,									//Use Special K's server bot
  "database": "postgres://user:password@hostname:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable",	//Special K's server bot Database
  "discord_client_id": "1564564564421",							//Client ID of the discord application
  "discord_client_secret": "azrfdsflkdsfokdsklfjdskfj",					//Client secret of the discord application
  "redirect_url": "http://my-url.kaboom/redirect/"					//The url used to access DCS Battleground (/redirect/ needed)

Web UI

DCS Battleground UI presents an emulated radar scope over top a Open Street Map rendered via maptalks. The web UI is updated at a configurable simulated refresh rate (by default 5 seconds). It use Flappie's work to display the Caucasus Layer ! (thanks for is work)