
A utility function to make scoped dataflow components

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A utility function to make scoped dataflow components in Cycle.js.


npm version

npm install @cycle/isolate


import isolate from '@cycle/isolate';

function bmiCalculator({DOM}) {
  let weightProps$ = Rx.Observable.just({
    label: 'Weight', unit: 'kg', min: 40, initial: 70, max: 140
  let heightProps$ = Rx.Observable.just({
    label: 'Height', unit: 'cm', min: 140, initial: 170, max: 210

  // LabeledSlider is a dataflow component
  // isolate(LabeledSlider) is an impure function: it generates
  // a NEW dataflow component every time it is called.
  let WeightSlider = isolate(LabeledSlider);
  let HeightSlider = isolate(LabeledSlider);

  let weightSlider = WeightSlider({DOM, props$: weightProps$});
  let heightSlider = HeightSlider({DOM, props$: heightProps$});

  let bmi$ = Rx.Observable.combineLatest(
    (weight, height) => {
      let heightMeters = height * 0.01;
      let bmi = Math.round(weight / (heightMeters * heightMeters));
      return bmi;

  return {
    DOM: bmi$.combineLatest(weightSlider.DOM, heightSlider.DOM,
      (bmi, weightVTree, heightVTree) =>
        h('div', [
          h('h2', 'BMI is ' + bmi)


isolate(dataflowComponent, scope)

Takes a dataflowComponent function and an optional scope string, and returns a scoped version of the dataflowComponent function.

When the scoped dataflow component is invoked, each source provided to the scoped dataflowComponent is isolated to the scope using source.isolateSource(source, scope), if possible. Likewise, the sinks returned from the scoped dataflow component are isolate to the scope using source.isolateSink(sink, scope).

If the scope is not provided, a new scope will be automatically created. This means that isolate(dataflowComponent) is impure (not referentially transparent). Two calls to isolate(Foo) will generate two distinct dataflow components.

Note that both isolateSource() and isolateSink() are static members of source. The reason for this is that drivers produce source while the application produces sink, and it's the driver's responsibility to implement isolateSource() and isolateSink().


  • dataflowComponent :: Function a function that takes sources as input and outputs a collection of sinks.
  • scope :: String an optional string that is used to isolate each sources and sinks when the returned scoped dataflow component is invoked.


(Function) the scoped dataflow component function that, as the original dataflowComponent function, takes sources and returns sinks.


The MIT License (MIT)

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