
Decode proto buffer without message definition

Primary LanguageGo


Golang module/tool for decoding proto buffer without message definition.

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Usage of library aproto

The library provides two Renderers: Console and Html, which are used for Console program and web site.

  • ConsoleRenderer
  out, e := aproto.TryDump([]byte{...})
  // or:
  out, e := aproto.TryDumpEx([]byte{...}, &aproto.ConsoleRenderer{})

  • HtmlRenderer (used on demo site)
  out, e := aproto.TryDumpEx([]byte{...}, &aproto.HtmlRenderer{})
  // transfer the output to client browser, render it with
  • Or create other custom Renders, just follow the Renderer interface

Use the prebuilt tool "proto_decoder"

supported: text/file with hex-string/binary/base64/zlib encoding


  • hex string: pro 120123
  • space/tab/newline will be trimmed:
pro "08 01 12 03   04 05
  06 07 08
  09 10 111213"
  • base64 + zlib string: pro -b64 EgEj
  • binary file: pro -bin -file a.bin
  • zlib+base64 file: pro -zlib -b64 -file a.bin
  • ...

Or build it yourself

  1. Install Golang
  2. clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/aj3423/aproto
  3. go to binary dir: cd aproto/proto_decoder
  4. go build .