A continuation of the CO.AG soundpack initiated by SkyBreach
- along-emacsyunstrategy
- AnreonYr
- AntonDumovIsrael
- ashGlawGround Zero, New England
- captainsawbonesreality-adjacent
- dxcvvxd
- Epictyphlosion
- EtherealArcturus
- Faalagorn
- Formosusssss
- Golfavel
- hexagonrecursionMilky Way
- hoasd1Egypt
- hrsjrny
- igorsauxRussia
- jiornojiovanniUniversity of Bari, Italy
- Joaqim@Undefined-Stories-AB
- krnfr
- MangoDowner
- matshouDresden, Germany
- michaelkubinaHamburg (Germany)
- MochaModifier
- mries92
- nexusmrsep
- NoneZwei
- RuikangSunShanghaiTech University
- RustyBrute
- schealexTrilux Digital Solutions GmbH
- tilktilk5Earth
- Timmotus
- trepidatio
- veksha
- VestaraTBD
- welldoer1
- YiQuSi
- yonjim