
A translation manager tool for Laravel Nova, that makes use of the Laravel Chained Translator.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Laravel Nova Chained Translation Manager

The Laravel Nova Chained Translation Manager allows you to easily edit the translations of your current Laravel environment. This translation manager uses the Laravel Chained Translator, that enables you to override the default translations with translations for a specific environment, e.g. a content manager can independently edit and override the translation files on the production environment from the translations provided by the developers.

Typically at some point during the development phase, a content manager wants to translate or finetune the translation strings added by developers. This often results in merge and versioning issues, when developers and content managers are working on the translation files at the same time.

The Chained Translator package allows translations created by developers to exist separately from translations edited by the content manager in separate lang directories. The library merges the translations of both language directories, where the translations of the content manager (the custom translations) override those of the developer (the default translations). Check the documentation of the Laravel Chained Translator for more info.


  • Save translations of the current environment to separate translation files in a separte language directory to avoid version conflicts.
  • Immediately save translations
  • Search for translations and translation keys
  • Filter translations for specific groups and languages
  • Only show keys with missing translations

Currently, this tool does not provide features to add new translation keys, because our target users are translators and content managers and we want to avoid that they add unnecessary translation keys.


The package can be installed through Composer.

composer require statikbe/laravel-nova-chained-translation-manager

Next enable the tool in Nova. Go to app/Providers/NovaServiceProvider.php and add the TranslationManager to the tools.

use Statikbe\NovaTranslationManager\TranslationManager;

    public function tools()
        return [
            new TranslationManager,


You can configure the custom language directory name and extend or finetune the service provider of the Laravel Chained Translator. Have a look at the configuration options of the Laravel Chained Translator library.

Supported locales

There are two ways to change the supported locales.

Option 1

Publish the config file with the command below and configure it with your supported locales and editor preferences.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=nova-chained-translation-manager


    | Application Supported Locale Configuration
    | The application locale determines the possible locales that can be used.
    | You are free to fill this array with any of the locales which will be 
    | supported by the application.

    'supported_locales' => [

Option 2

If your application already has a config that declares your locales than you are able to set the supported locales in any service provider. Create a new one or use the app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php and set the supported locales as an array in the boot function as follows:

use Statikbe\NovaTranslationManager\TranslationManager;

public function boot()
    TranslationManager::setLocales(['en', 'nl']);

Changing your Editor

Its possible also to change your editor, sometimes the translations values can get big and its good if you have a larger area to edit them or even add some bold/underline effects on the fly. You can use 3 supported values: input,textarea,trix. Their names are self-explanatory. Please keep in mind while using Trix you should also configure your allowed HTML tags. Dont forget to clear the cache after changing these settings and refresh your page to see the results :)


    | Editor to use
    | Choose what type of editor you want to use while editing your translations
    | input - For really dead simple input
    | textarea - For a larger textarea to deal with
    | trix - Will use Trix Editor for editing locales supporting some HTML on it.
    | Note : Please keep in mind while using Trix to configure your allowed HTML
    | tags. Otherwise it may pose XSS attacks risk if field could be edited by the end user.
    | Values : trix, input, textarea

    'editor' => 'input',
    'trix_allowed_tags' => '<code><p><b><u><a><br><ul><li><ol><pre><h2><h3><h4><h5><del><blockquote><dl><dd><strong>',

Ignoring Groups

You may also ignore certain groups of translations to be shown in the Nova UI. Create an array with keys that you want to ignore:


    | Ignore Groups
    | This will ignore certain groups from the translations UI
    | Supports an array of keys

    'ignore_groups' => ['auth','pagination','passwords','routes','nova','nova/validation'],

Merging translations

You can combine the custom translations of the current environment with the default translation files, by running the command provided by the Laravel Chained Translator library package.


We used Joe Dixon's translation libraries as a source of technical expertise and inspiration:

Thanks a lot for the great work!


The MIT License (MIT). Please see license file for more information.



Select different languages

Select different groups

Only show missing translations