Front-End logo - a representation of the front-end part of the software

Realtimeplot Frontend

This repository contains the Front-end source code for the Realtimeplot project. The software should be used together with the appropriate server application, Realtimeplot Backend.

Both parts of the web application were implemented for the Fritz Haber Institute.

Table of contents

How to use this software

To be able to execute the following commands, please make sure you have a local current installation of a Node.js (preferably a LTS version). This will also ensure the insallation of npm, which is required for the installation the project's dependencies.

Install dependencies

npm i

Run the development server

npm run server

Make a production build

This command generates a dist folder containing a compilded and minified version of this software, ready for deployment. The dist folder is generated in the project root folder.

npm run build

Available routes

The following items describe the possible URL routes of the application. The software is designed as a SPA (Single Page Application), which means that the routes do not correspond to different .html documents but to dynamic objects, generated by the front-end router Vue Router.
Nevertheless, the routes are directly accessable through the URL browser bar and will load their contents, if the corresponding access requirements are fully met.


A view for logging in the application

Access requirements: None


A view of the profile settings of the logged in user.

Access requirements: Authenticated user (simple user or administrator)


A view of the dashboard, serving as a homepage.

Access requirements: Authenticated user (simple user or administrator)


A view of the visualizations that show course of PV data along a given time frame.

Access requirements: Authenticated user (simple user or administrator)


A view of the table listing all experiments. The table allows the update or deletion of current entries.

Access requirements: Authenticated user (simple user or administrator)


A view of the table listing all PVs. The table allows the creation of new PV entries, as well as the update or deletion of current entries. Synchronized with the experiments table due to the dependencies of the experiment and PV data types.

Access requirements: Authenticated user (simple user or administrator)


A view of the table listing all users. Allows the creation of new users, as well as the update or deletion of current users.

Access requirements: Authenticated administrator


Front-end logo icon: Monitor icons created by Freepik - Flaticon