
🤖 FritzGPT - A self-hosted LLM + UI

Primary LanguagePython

🤖 FritzGPT

LLMs are getting a lot of media attention right now, especially ChatGPT. I wanted to evaluate how a possible self-hosted solution could look like. The result of this can be found in this repository. It contains the necessary backend code to interact with the model, as well as a basic web interface.

Models tested

  • EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B
  • gpt2-medium
  • facebook/opt-66b
  • microsoft/GODEL-v1_1-large-seq2seq
  • PygmalionAI/pygmalion-6b
  • PygmalionAI/pygmalion-2.7b (currently used model)

How to use

# Clone code
git clone https://github.com/FritzJo/fritzgpt.git
cd fritzgpt

# Create new Python venv
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run application
python app.py

# Open browser: http://localhost:5000

During the first start-up the model and tokenizer will be downloaded, which might take a while. Afterwards the usual time required to load the model to memory is around 1-2 minutes. If everything worked, you should be able to access the web interface.


What kind of hardware is required to run this?

Pygmalion-2.7b is a medium-large model, which can be loaded with consumer hardware. I tested it with a 24 GB Nvidia GPU. Furthermore, 6 GB of storage are required to download the model from Huggingface.

Is it as good as ChatGPT?

No. It is not even close. The output can be cut off at weird places, it looses context after a few replies. But it's still a great experiment.

Why is the UI so ugly?


Is it safe to expose this service to the internet?

Absolutely not. I did not take any precautions to make it safe, or sanitize any input. It also does not offer any form of authentication right now.

Example Dialog

Example Dialog