Nelo Take-Home (Restaurant Booking API)


This is my response to a take-home assignment from nelo, asking me to build an API.

Installation & Usage

  • Clone this repository
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
  • Run npm run migrate to create & seed the sqlite database
  • Run npm run dev to start the server in development mode


Check the TODO & notes below

  • After first migrating the database, copy the dev.sqlite to test-reference.sqlite
    • This is to ensure that the test database is in a known state before each test run.
    • The test-reference database gets copied before each test, then the copy is deleted after each test.
    • This three-file approach ensures that development isn't interfered with by tests, but that the tests are still run against a known state.
  • Run npm run test to run the test suite.
    • You can also run npm run test:watch to re-run tests as you make changes to the code.


  • Create a basic express setup (sans routers / controllers / etc)
  • Configure Prisma & take a crack at the schema.
  • Craft a seed.ts script & use it to seed a sqlite database.
  • Validation & Error Handling Middleware
  • Create "reservations" router & controller modules
    • validation schema for reservation search
    • validation schema for reservation creation
    • controller to find a reservation slot
    • controller to book a reservation
    • controller to cancel a reservation
    • endpoint to find a reservation slot
    • endpoint to book a reservation
    • endpoint to cancel a reservation
    • tie them together with a router
  • Testing
    • Example Endpoint tests with Jest & Supertest (See Notes Below)
    • Additional Testing as it makes sense
  • Miscellaneous
    • Generally just a manual QA pass on the API to ensure it's working as expected.

Development Notes

  • I'm more familiar with the testing process in python - django in particular. I got two endpoint tests in place & working to demonstrate the idea, but didn't go as hard as I would normally for pragmatism reasons.
  • I'm a big fan of "black box" testing for apis. If it behaves correctly, unit testing isn't always called for. My approximate typical approach is demonstrated in this repo.
  • Diner preferences & restaurant traits are closely related & can be defined at the same time in the same table.
  • We're going to work from the assumption that a party can book any size of table that can fit them. However, we should try to give the smallest possible table to a party to make it more likely that larger parties can be accomodated if they book later.
    • If I were establishing requirements for this API in reality, I would seek to clarify the first assumption. Comparable platforms often won't let a party of two book a table for eight "no matter what".
  • I am going to assume constant timezones based on a fiction that the client is responsible for converting all tz-aware datetimes to UTC before sending them to the API, and converting them back to local before displaying responses from the API. Life is too short.
  • If I were doing this "for real" I would implement a "soft delete" on reservations to cancel instead of just deleting them. That feels out of scope for this exercise, but it wouldn't be a huge lift to implement.
  • The question of whether a party should be able to book a table at a restaurant that doesn't match their dietary preferences isn't addressed in the spec. I am proceeding under the assumption that the users can book whatever restaurant they'd like as long as both the party & a table is available. In a broader application (ala opentable) with more than 3 endpoints, that's how you'd do it.