
a not awful discord music bot

Primary LanguagePython


a not awful discord music bot

to installed required dependencies run:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install .

API docs



linux dependencies

  • python3.11
  • python3-devel (or equiv compile options?)
  • libffi-dev
  • git (for automatic updates)
  • tmux (for interactable autostart)
  • Java (JDK) 17
  • Lavalink (included)

.env file

bot token and Lavalink password must be stored in a .env file in the top level directory.

Example format:

TOKEN = "NDUMTIxQDQ1MzgzMTc1GqucK2Zy80vW7FjoXWaXzNzQ0L9h6HPLWMY9vrYCq8eX39BiZYo" Lavalink_Password = "youshallnotpass"