

  1. Install Python 3.5 or newer

  2. Install extra project modules by issuing the following command from the terminal:

    cd "C:\path\to\the\project\folder"
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Apply migrations:

    python migrate
  4. Start server:

    python runserver
  5. Install npm (npm is installed with Node.js)

  6. Install extra project modules by issuing the following command from the second terminal:

    cd "C:\path\to\the\project\folder\www"
    npm install
  7. Start server:

    npm run dev

    {compiled successfully - ready on http://localhost:3000}

Usage with Docker

cd "C:\path\to\the\project\folder"
docker-compose up

{compiled successfully - ready on http://localhost:3000}

Register a new user:

  1. From the command line:

     curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/auth/users/ -d "username=user1&password=user-1-pas"
  2. From the browser: click "Sign up" [Password must contain at least 8 characters.]

  3. Login as a user: In the browser, click "Sign in"