A discord bot to allow members to toggle certain roles by clicking on reactions
!emojilink :Emoji: <Role Name>
Used to link an Emoji with a Role
!emojiunlink :Emoji:
Unlinks the Emoji with whatever role it was linked to
Marks the previous message as a Role Message
!addrolemessage <messageId>
Marks the message with message ID <messageId> as a Role Message
!removerolemessage <messageId>
Removes the message from being a Role Message
Reloads the settings.conf
Link your desired Emojis with your roles using
!emojilink :Emoji: <Role Name>
Create a message with your linked Emojis in it. (It's usually nice to have a short description, and it's required for the bot to add the reactions later)
Add that message as a Role Message either via
or!addrolemessage <messageId>
The bot will then react on the message with every Linked Emoji in that message
Test it out by clicking on one of the reactions.
In the settings.conf, add emoji IDs for roleAddedEmoji and roleRemovedEmoji
These are reacted on the message after another reaction is clicked to let the user know it worked
(I use a green + and a red - on my server)
In the settings.conf, configure the refreshReactions if you want the bot to keep multiple reactions in the same order as they are in the message