
developing.frogtek.org web

Primary LanguageHTML


Build Status

This is the source code for developing.frogtek.org website. It is based on Jekyll and deployed to Github pages

Install/run from local

First time only

You must have ruby and bundler installed:

gem install bundler

To install all dependencies:

make install

Every time

To run the web locally on http://localhost:4000


To execute all tests (or HTML tests or Css tests only):

make test
make test_html
make test_css


General rules:

  • Run the tests (and fix them) before creating a pull request to master.
  • Use markdown (.md) instead of HTML (.html) when possible.

Writing posts

  1. Create a file on _posts folder. Follow name convention (reverse date + "slugified" title). For example: 2018-01-20-my-first-post.md
  2. Add the post header (with at least title, date, author and tags):
  3. Write your post (preferably in markdown)

Note that:

  • The first paragraph (text until first line break) is used as excerpt in post lists
  • Post images/files must be on ./assets/posts folder
  • If the post is from a new author you must create his profile file into _authors folder
  • To refer internal link you must use a liquid expression like: {{ site.baseurl }}/relative_url


layout: post
title: My first post`
date: 2018-01-20 13:13:54.000000000 +01:00
author: guillermo
- tag1
- tag2
This is the excerpt of my first post.

I can use [Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown)

![sample image](https://media.giphy.com/media/A49qRTnZhaZDW/giphy.gif)

Include youtube videos into posts

If you want to include a youtube video in your post, use these snippet (change the youtube_id)

{% include youtube.html youtube_id="BoDtuEUO328" %}

Job offers

If the post is a job offer add show_in_jobs: true to header and it will be showed in jobs section

Press links

To add press item:

  1. Add a press thumbnail (650x350 pix) to assets/press/
  2. Create an entry in ./_press/ collection (follow filename convention)
  3. If you like that it appears on home add in_home: true to header

Tweak site style

Put your CSS on _sass folder.

Run css tests before commit ;)

Related documentation