
copy from https://github.com/GiGInnovationLabs/traefikgeoip2.git

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Traefik plugin for MaxMind GeoIP2

Traefik plugin that registers a custom middleware for getting data from MaxMind GeoIP databases and pass it downstream via HTTP request headers.

Supports both GeoIP2 and GeoLite2 databases.


We're using this plugin in Kubernetes, thus the configuration guide is Kubernetes oriented.

You are welcome:

  • refer to the Traefik configuraiton documentation for other orchestration frameworks.
  • contribute to this README about the configuraion for other orchestration environments.

Create custom Traefik Docker image

This is ~required in Kubernetes, since MaxMind DB size is bigger, than data size allowed for ConfigMap or Secret resource.

Assuming you want to try free GeoLite2 database, that is already downloaded locally.

  1. Create custom Dockerfile

    FROM traefik:2.4.9
    COPY GeoLite2-City.mmdb /var/lib/traefikgeoip2/ 
  2. Build and publish to a Docker registry

    export TDR=${...}
    docker build -t ${TDR}/traefik:2.4.9 .
    docker push ${TDR}/traefik:2.4.9

Enable plugin in Traefik

We recommend to use official Helm chart for installing Traefik into Kubernetes cluster.

Below, there's an instruction for adjusting official Helm chart to install the plugin.

  1. Create a file named traefik.yaml, replacing ${TDR} with actual Docker registry path.

      name: ${TDR}/traefik
      tag: "2.4.9"
      enabled: true
      token: "${TRAEFIK_PILOT_TOKEN}"
      - "--experimental.plugins.geoip2.modulename=github.com/FrogyYen/traefikgeoip2"
      - "--experimental.plugins.geoip2.version=v0.1.1"
  2. Install customized Traefik Helm chart.

    helm repo add traefik https://helm.traefik.io/traefik
    helm repo update
    helm upgrade --install -n traefik --create-namespace \
      my-traefik traefik/traefik --version 10.1.1 -f ./traefik.yaml      

Create Traefik Middleware

  1. Create a file named mw.yaml

    apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1
    kind: Middleware
      name: geoip2
      namespace: traefik
          dbPath: "/var/lib/geoip2/GeoLite2-City.mmdb"
  2. Apply

    kubectl apply -f mw.yaml

Apply GeoIP2 middleware to Traefik route

!!! warning TO BE DEFINED


To run linter and tests execute this command

make prepare