
offline source codes (CSE-310, Compilers Sessional)

Primary LanguageYacc


offline/assignment programs coded for the course Compilers Sessional (CSE-310).



symbol table implementation contains implementation of a symbol table with basic functionalities written in C++.

  • symbol table implementation/submission/1605023_main.cpp is the symbol table code


scanner implementation (flex) contains implementation of a lexical analyzer/scanner for specified tokens written in flex.

  • scanner implementation (flex)/submission/1605023_SymbolTable.h is the header file for symbol table
  • scanner implementation (flex)/submission/1605023.l is the lex file for scanner
  • run scanner implementation (flex)/submission/script.sh with specified input file


parser implementation (yacc-bison) contains implementation of a syntactic analyzer/parser for specified grammers written in yacc/bison.

  • parser implementation (yacc-bison)/submission/1605023_SymbolTable.h is the header file for symbol table
  • parser implementation (yacc-bison)/submission/1605023.l is the lex file for scanner
  • parser implementation (yacc-bison)/submission/1605023.y is the yacc file for parser (also semantic analyzer)
  • run parser implementation (yacc-bison)/submission/run.sh with specified input file


intermediate code generator implementation (8086 assembly) contains implementation of an intermediate code generator from C codes to intel8086 assembly language codes for a specified sets of tokens and grammers.

  • intermediate code generator implementation (8086 assembly)/submission/1605023_SymbolTable.h is the header file for symbol table
  • intermediate code generator implementation (8086 assembly)/submission/1605023.l is the lex file for scanner
  • intermediate code generator implementation (8086 assembly)/submission/1605023.y is the yacc file for parser (also semantic analyzer and converter)
  • run parser implementation (yacc-bison)/submission/run.sh with specified input file