schema-plugin-flow, abbreviated as Sifo ([sɪfɔ]),is a highly extensible JavaScript library. This library allows developers to extend business logic and page layout without touching source code, when the source code is written in Sifo.
- sifo-model is the core of Sifo, which using JSON (as Schema) to describe page's structures and using plugins as logic controller. There are three kinds of plugin: modelPlugin、pagePlugin and componentPluign.
- sifo-singleton is a global extensions holder. All kinds of extend-plugins and extend-components are registered to it.
- sifo-react is a React Component encapsulates sifo-model and sifo-singleton.
- sifo-vue is a Vue Component encapsulates sifo-model and sifo-singleton.
$ npm i @schema-plugin-flow/sifo-model --save
$ npm i @schema-plugin-flow/sifo-react --save
$ npm i @schema-plugin-flow/sifo-mplg-react-optimize --save
$ npm i @schema-plugin-flow/sifo-vue --save
you can try to run the examples.
- clone code and start
$ git clone
$ cd schema-plugin-flow
$ npm run i
$ npm run start
- then visit
you can try to run the examples.
- clone code and start
$ git clone
$ cd schema-plugin-flow
$ npm run i
$ npm run i-vue
$ npm run start-vue
- then visit
In this demo, there are seven extend-plugins in seven independent js. The checkbox set which plugin should be registered. Each plugin control different logic and all registered plugins make up a integrated page.