
[Course] API Design in Node.js, v2: REST & GraphQL code

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repo is from an archived version of the course. Watch the latest version of the course on frontendmasters.com.

Learn to build with Node, Express, Mongo, and GraphQL.

What you'll need to know

  • JavaScript
  • basic HTTP knowledge
  • basic API knowledge


  • Mongo (if you don't have this, signup for a free mongo DB at mLab)
  • Node 6+
  • Yarn or Npm (Yarn recommended)

Getting Started

The curriculum is broken up by branches. Each branch walks through a different lesson. There are usually some tests you must get to pass. For each branch, there is a solution branch.

  • Checkout to the first lesson branch git checkout lesson-1


If you see issues:

  • fork this repo
  • clone your fork
  • cut a branch
  • write your code
  • issue PR to upstream