
The UnleashX dashboard that adhears to the official design language.

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OEM Unleashed

The UnleashX dashboard that adhears to the official design language.


After many years, we decided to uncover our old Xbox that was running UnleashX. We felt as though none of the skins really captured the true feel of the stock Xbox homescreen, which was nostalgic for us. We decided to create our own, to give us as close of a feel as possible.


Looking for instructions on how to set this up on your own console? Check out our installing.md document!


OEM Unleashed Stock "MSDash"
OEM Unleashed Preview OEM Unleashed Preview


  • Rapitharian for most of the dashboard's Skin file.
  • Frontesque for the dashboard's custom assets.
  • This skin uses "TrueMSdash" 1.0 by PeterPL as a starting point and educational tool.