
A library simulator REST API. More detailed, CRUD application with a possibility to add new book, update an existing one (e.g. mark the book as read or replace a book by a new edition), delete and search by field.

Primary LanguageJava


A library simulator REST API without frontend.

There is one table "books", which stores a books list.The following data should be stored in the table: id, title, description, author (name and last name), isbn – ISBN of the book, printYear, readAlready ( boolean).

Create a standard CRUD application with a possibility to add new book, update an existing one (e.g. mark the book as read or replace a book by a new edition), delete and search by field.


Gradle; Spring Boot; Java is preferable; Spring Data JPA; Postgres;


Start postgresql DB with the name postgres in the port 5432

I used Postman application to deal with requests.


  • Queries:
    • POST
      • /books <Book> — Add the new book to the database
      • /books/all List<Book> — Add new books to the database
    • GET
      • /books - Get all books from the database
      • /books/id/<id> - Get the book with specific id in the database
      • /books/title/<title> - Get books with specific title in the database
      • /books/author/<author> - Get books with specific author in the database
      • /books/isbn/<isbn> - Get books with specific isbn in the database
      • /books/printYear/<printYear> - Get books with specific printYear in the database
      • /books/readAlready/<readAlready> - Get books with specific readAlready in the database
    • PUT /books <Book> — Update the existing book in the database
    • DELETE
      • /books/id/<id> - Delete the book from the database
      • /books/all - Delete all books from the database


  • 30.10.2022