
Voting Application used for scene compos at DreamHack. This app has been hacked on by people who had been awake more than a bit too long, had too much coffeine to drink and a deadline to meet, and the code is therefore somewhat... ugly.

Primary LanguageRuby


To whom it may concern:
This is an app used for uploading and voting of compos during dreamhack (DHW06 and DHW07 to be more precise).
Most of the comments are written in swedish, and I haven't had the time to translate that.

This will probably be needing some patching up to run on fresh rails, but for starters, you're going to need working rmagick for this.

UPDATE 2011-04-26

Adam Doupé (https://github.com/adamdoupe) has pointed out that VoteApp contains possible Execution After Redirect vulnerabilities. 

If anyone want to use this piece of software, you might want to look into that, preferably using Adam's EAR detection tool: https://github.com/adamdoupe/find_ear_rails