
A project for the Bremen City University of Applied Sciences C++ course. Core functionality includes parsing of a unsigned 16bit DAC electrocardiogram signal file, analyzing the signal and either showing basic information in a commandline or in a Qt5 GUI. Additionally the signal can be analyzed for potential heartbeats using simple signal processing algorithms.

Language & Toolchain

  • C++17
  • Visual Studio 2019 16.8
  • Qt5.15.2

Command Line Arguments

Parameter Modes Optional Argument Default Description
--no-gui - Yes - - Hides GUI
--input-file Console No String - Path to raw signal file
--output-file Console Yes String - Pfad to output ECG file
--smoothing-window-size Both Yes int 10 Window size in both directions of the current value
--sampling-interval Both Yes unsigned int 5 Interval value of the signal in milliseconds
--signalrange-millivolts Both Yes int 4 Signalrange(min-max) in millivolts
--signalrange-max Both Yes int 65535 Max value of the raw signal
--heartbeat-tail-length Both Yes int 25 Windowsize of heartbeats to search for