Project Cluster Prism

Project Cluster Prism - A FullStack project developed by TurnerTastic

Uses MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) tech stack

This was my first attempt at building a fullstack project. The goal for this project was to access a user's spotify data and return them an AI generated image from based on their top Spotify tracks.

I achieved user Spotify authentication and had a working site with user accounts(login, signup, logout) as well as JWT authentication token usage. Unfortunatley I think I began work on the front end too early and my lack of API development hurt my progress and interest.

Overall I learned the importance of documenting API's, keeping a clean workspace, and having a structured plan before filling my repo with useless code files. I may come back to this project in the future and complete it, but as of now I am pursuing other interests with things like Swift, Rust and other popular languages/frameworks.

Images of working site - First time building a frontend

Home page:

Home page

Signup page:

Signup page

Want to see more? Clone the repo and follow client and server README's to run locally