
A general purpose, bare bones .obj loader.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


OBJ.lua is a "bare-bones" .obj loader. Designed to save the trouble of parsing the .obj & .mtl files and head straight into importing.

OBJ.lua only depends on Lua's standard io library. If io is not available, it is free to edit to intake strings as well.


This library comes equipped with 3 functions.
*functions are written in C prototype format, see Classes for reference on the return values

Mesh load(string file_path_to_obj_file[, table settings])

load() is the easiest function to use. It will load the .obj file and its linked material file(.mtl) from file_path_to_obj_file. settings is a table which holds options for how OBJ.lua will manipulate or find data.

ObjModel loadObj(string file_path_to_obj_file[, table settings])

loadObj() is a simplified version of load(), as it only loads the .obj file.

MtlModel loadMtl(string file_path_to_mtl_file)

If you need to only load .mtl file, use loadMtl().

Remember, if you only need to only load a .obj or .mtl file, use loadObj() or loadMtl(), it is more faster and efficient.


scale = # Scale the mesh by whatever amount.

mtl_dir = "directory of mtl file" In any case where the .obj file is in a different directory from the .mtl file, set this value to the directory where the .mtl is.


Format explanation: The name following the bullet can be either a function or a table, anything tabbed underneath is returned in a table.


  • Mesh
    -- ObjModel Obj
    -- MtlModel Mtl

  • ObjModel()
    -- table < Vertex > vertices
    -- table < UV > uvs
    -- table < Normal > normals
    -- table < Face > faces
    -- table < free_form > space_vertices
    -- table < MeshObjectModel > objects
    -- table < GroupModel > groups
    -- table < MinimalObjModel > indicies

    -- string material_file_name
    -- number poly_count

  • MtlModel()
    -- table {}

  • MinimalObjModel()
    -- table < Vertex > vertices
    -- table < UV > uvs
    -- table < Normal > normals
    -- table < Face > faces
    -- table < free_form > space_vertices

  • MeshObjectModel(name, group_name)
    -- table < boolean > vertices
    -- table < boolean > uvs
    -- table < boolean > normals
    -- table < boolean > faces
    -- table < boolean > space_vertices

    -- string name
    -- string group_name

  • GroupModel(name)
    -- string name


  • LineIndex(lineNumber, line, data)
    -- number lineNumber
    -- string line
    -- any data

  • Vertex(x, y, z[, w])
    -- number x
    -- number y
    -- number z
    -- number w

  • Normal(x, y, z)
    -- number x
    -- number y
    -- number z

  • Face([material_name])
    -- table < FaceData > data
    -- string material_name

  • UV(u, v)
    -- number u
    -- number v
    -- number w

  • FaceData([vertex_index, uv_index, normal_index, vertex, uv, normal])
    -- number vertex_index
    -- number uv_index
    -- number normal_index

    -- table < Vertex > vertex
    -- table < UV > uv
    -- table < Normal > normal

*** This library is under the MIT License. ***