A fork of Wow Model Viewer to support legacy and modern client versions, improvements including:
- Updated / modern code base (still using legacy style opengl though)
- Simplified build setup
- 64-bit Build
- Multiple wow client version support
- Improved reliablity / stability
Original source from:
- https://code.google.com/archive/p/wowmodelviewer/
- https://bitbucket.org/wowmodelviewer/wowmodelviewer/src/master/
- https://wowdev.wiki/Main_Page
General usage & troubleshooting guidance can be found in docs/users.md
Information on project setup, building and more can be found in docs/technical.md
WMVx is still in development, and is in a preview/experimental state - many features have been implemented, however many are still in progress. Known issues / feature status is described below.
Feature | Vanilla (1.12) | WOTLK (3.3.5) | BFA (8.3.7) | DF/TWW (10.x & 11.x) |
Characters | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Creatures | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Spells | Future* | Future* | Future* | Future* |
Feature | Status |
Image Export | Basic |
3D Export | FBX |
Settings | Basic |
Client Detection | Yes |
- Vanilla & WOTLK to load items based on CSV export from vmangos / trinitycore - (done but need to remove duplicates from CSV file)
- Vanilla & WOTLK to load npcs based on CSV export from vmangos / trinitycore - (currently using old WMV file)
- Character
- mount / unmount
- character hands not closing when attaching weapons
- image export doesnt support render to texture
- Implement openglsettings in settings dialog
- NPC's not holding weapons (not possible with just client data?)
- Tidy code
- tidy all old WMV Code
- remove c-style code
- Interpolation types not implemented / tested.
- not all animations appear in list, appear to be missing variations
- particles / ribbons not implemented yet
- texture animations not implemented yet
- texture animations dont appear to work / show
- texture transparencies dont appear to be correct - e.g boar
- character tabards - additional tiers not implemented yet.
- Feature partity with BFA
- Lights structure
- cameras structure
- events structure
- support user defined files to override with (e.g custom textures)
- chaining animations / timed sequences
- animate camera
- items filterable by sub-type, e.g cloth, leather, sword, axe
- lighting
- Spell effects
- npcs, items, models, filterable by expansion
- ability to load individual items
- video exporters
- ablity to duplicate a model
- replace opengl with higher level engine, e.g ogre3d.