
Fedora packager sponsors

Primary LanguagePython

Fedora Packager Sponsors


A static page displaying list of all current Fedora packager sponsors.


  • Displaying all sponsors
  • Displaying sponsors divided into groups based on some criteria
    • Areas of interests / expertise
    • Native languages
    • Regions around the globe
    • Timezones

What if I am a sponsor

If you are a Fedora packager sponsor, please make sure to configure your areas of interests and your native languages. There are two possible ways to do it, choose whichever you prefer.

In this repository, there are interests.yaml and languages.yaml configuration files. Both use the same format, e.g.

- id: german
- id: swedish
- id: czech

A) Use the upstream config

Find groups in the config that you would like to assign yourself to and do it in the following fashion

- id: czech
  - msuchy
  - frostyx

B) Your personal config on fedorapeople.org

Every Fedora user has an access to their own web hosting on http://fedorapeople.org . For more information, please read the official documentation.

Connect to your fedorapeople hosting and create the following file

$ ssh <USER>@fedorapeople.org
$ vim public_html/sponsor.yaml

Mine would look like this

- modularity
- web
- command-line

- czech

The list items are ID keys from the interests.yaml and languages.yaml files.

Please don't be concerned if you don't see your configuration immediately propagated into the production instance. It is a statically generated site, so your configuration will be used during the next rebuild.

Public API

All information that is visible on the website is also available via API. Unfortunately, the format is inconsistent.

curl https://docs.pagure.org/fedora-sponsors/api/sponsors.json |jq
curl https://docs.pagure.org/fedora-sponsors/api/sponsors.list
curl https://docs.pagure.org/fedora-sponsors/api/active-sponsors.list
curl https://docs.pagure.org/fedora-sponsors/api/interests.yaml
curl https://docs.pagure.org/fedora-sponsors/api/languages.yaml


Create ~/.config/fedora in the following format:

username = frostyx
password = mysecretpassword

Obtain the statistics about the latest sponsor activity

$ make activity

Obtain each and everyone's personal sponsor config from fedorapeople.org

$ make groups

Fetch the up-to-date information about sponsors and build the page

$ make build

Navigate to _build/html/index.html in a web browser.


Deploy the latest build to production

$ make deploy

The production instance https://docs.pagure.org/fedora-sponsors

Deployment Automation

We have an automation set-up to rebuild the page weekly. There is a script that clones this repository, builds everything, and deploys it to the production, and runs some tests against that build. Unfortunately, we don't have a staging instance, so we need to run tests against the production, but better late than never. See


It is executed weekly by Cron on my (@FrostyX) personal server. This is not an exclusive way of re-building the page. Everybody (with the correct permissions) can re-build the page, or set up their own automatization.


Page with all sponsors:

All sponsors

Page with grouped sponsors into the areas that they are interested in:

All sponsors

See also