A UWP based textbox with syntaxhighlighting and support for very large amount of text which is still in development.
UWP has a default Textbox and a RichTextBox. Both of them are very slow in rendering multiple thousand lines. The selection works also very slow. So I decided to create my own version of a Textbox.
- Viewing files with a million lines or more without performance issues
- Syntaxhighlighting
- Outstanding performance because it only renders the lines that are needed to display
- Linenumbering
- Linehighlighter
- Json to create custom syntaxhighlighting
- Highly customizable
- Current text limit is 100 million characters
- Currently there is no textwrapping
- First version for WinUI with many problems and bugs, but working Github
- Batch
- Config file
- C++
- C#
- GCode
- Hex
- Html
- Java
- Javascript
- Json
- Markdown
- LaTex
- Python
- QSharp
- Toml
- Xml
- ScrollBarPosition (get/set)
- CharacterCount (get)
- NumberOfLines (get)
- CurrentLineIndex (get)
- SelectedText (get/set)
- SelectionStart (get/set)
- SelectionLength (get/set)
- ContextFlyoutDisabled (get/set)
- ContextFlyout (get/set)
- CursorSize (get/set)
- ShowLineNumbers (get/set)
- ShowLineHighlighter (get/set)
- ZoomFactor (get/set)
- IsReadonly (get/set)
- Text (get/set)
- RenderedFontSize (get)
- FontSize (get/set)
- FontFamily (get/set)
- Cursorposition (get/set)
- SpaceBetweenLineNumberAndText (get/set)
- LineEnding (get/set)
- SyntaxHighlighting (get/set)
- CodeLanguage (get/set)
- RequestedTheme (get/set)
- Design (get/set)
- static CodeLanguages (get/set)
- VerticalScrollSensitivity (get/set)
- HorizontalScrollSensitivity (get/set)
- VerticalScroll (get/set)
- HorizontalScroll (get/set)
- CornerRadius (get/set)
- UseSpacesInsteadTabs (get/set)
- NumberOfSpacesForTab (get/set)
- SelectLine(index)
- GoToLine(index)
- SetText(text)
- LoadText(text)
- Paste()
- Copy()
- Cut()
- GetText()
- SetSelection(start, length)
- SelectAll()
- ClearSelection()
- Undo()
- Redo()
- ScrollLineToCenter(line)
- ScrollOneLineUp()
- ScrollOneLineDown()
- ScrollLineIntoView(line)
- ScrollTopIntoView()
- ScrollBottomIntoView()
- ScrollPageUp()
- ScrollPageDown()
- GetLineContent(line)
- GetLinesContent(startline, count)
- SetLineContent(line, text)
- DeleteLine(line)
- AddLine(position, text)
- FindInText(pattern)
- SurroundSelectionWith(value)
- SurroundSelectionWith(value1, value2)
- DuplicateLine(line)
- FindInText(word, up, matchCase, wholeWord)
- ReplaceInText(word, replaceword, up, matchCase, wholeword)
- ReplaceAll(word, replaceword, up, matchCase, wholeword)
- static GetCodeLanguageFromJson(jsondata)
- static SelectCodeLanguageById(identifier)
- Unload()
- ClearUndoRedoHistory()
"Highlights": [
"CodeStyle": { //optional delete when not used
"Bold": true,
"Underlined": true,
"Italic": true
"Pattern": "REGEX PATTERN",
"ColorDark": "#ffffff", //color in dark theme
"ColorLight": "#000000" //color in light theme
"Name": "NAME",
"Filter": "EXTENSION1|EXTENSION2", //.cpp|.c
"Description": "DESCRIPTION",
"Author": "AUTHOR"
TextControlBox textbox = new TextControlBox();
//Use a builtin language -> see list a bit higher
//Language identifiers are case intensitive
textbox.CodeLanguage = TextControlBox.GetCodeLanguageFromId("CSharp");
//Use a custom language:
var result = TextControlBox.GetCodeLanguageFromJson("JSON DATA");
textbox.CodeLanguage = result.CodeLanguage;
textbox.Design = new TextControlBoxDesign(
new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 30, 30, 30)), //Background brush
Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255), //Text color
Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 100, 255), //Selection color
Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255), //Cursor color
Color.FromArgb(50, 100, 100, 100), //Linehighlighter color
Color.FromArgb(255, 100, 100, 100), //Linenumber color
Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0), //Linenumber background
Color.FromArgb(100,255,150,0) //Search highlight color
If you want to contribute for this project, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.