
Async Button Component for Ember CLI apps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ember Async Button

See a demo

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When running async actions ensuring disabling of the button, re-enabling, and handling promise rejections is pretty boilerplate. This component packages up that behavior.


ember install ember-async-button


In a template use the async-button helper

{{async-button action=(action "save" model) default="Save" pending="Saving..."}}

With a block

The component can also take a block:

{{#async-button action=(action "save") as |component state|}}
  {{#if state.isDefault}}
    Click here to save
  {{#if state.isPending}}
    Please wait...
  {{#if state.isFulfilled}}
    Everything went well, congrats!
  {{#if state.isRejected}}
    Ooops, something went wrong.

The closure action passed should return a promise:

import Ember from 'ember';

const { Component } = Ember;

export default Component.extend({
  actions: {
    save(model) {
      return model.save();


The async-button helper has other options to customize the states.


This is the action name used by the button.


The default text used for the button.


Special text used while the promise is running. If not provided will use the default value.


Deprecated! Use fulfilled

Special text used if the promise is resolved. If not provided will use the default value.


Special text used if the promise is fulfilled. If not provided will use the default value.


Special text used if the promise is rejected. If not provided will use the default value.


Boolean value that will allow for disabling the button when in a state other than pending


Flag telling the button to reset to the default state once resolved or rejected. A typical use case is to bind this attribute with ember-data isDirty flag.


A class of async-button is assigned to the button. An additional dynamic class is assigned during one of the four states:

  • default
  • pending
  • fulfilled
  • rejected

The href attribute of the a tag

You can adjust the button's tag by passing the tagName option:

{{async-button tagName="a" action="save" default="Save" pending="Saving..."}}

When you set tagName to a, the element will obtain an empty href attribute. This is necessary to enable the link behavior of the element, i. e. color, underlining and hover effect.

You can of course override href if you need it for some reason:

{{async-button tagName="a" href="custom" action="save" default="Save" pending="Saving..."}}

If you don't want a href attribute on your a button, set it to false:

{{async-button tagName="a" href=false action="save" default="Save" pending="Saving..."}}


We are very thankful for the many contributors


This library follows Semantic Versioning

Want to help?

Please do! We are always looking to improve this addon. Please see our Contribution Guidelines on how to properly submit issues and pull requests.


DockYard, Inc © 2014


Licensed under the MIT license