
WIP toolkit for compact storage and analysis of DejaGNU test results

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


bunsen indexes and stores a collection of DejaGNU test result files in a Git repo. The Git repo generated by bunsen contains an index in JSON format to speed up querying and test result analysis. For test result analysis, bunsen includes a Python library and a collection of analysis scripts.

When storing test result data, Git's de-duplication produces an impressive compression factor. For example, a collection of 8758 testruns from https://gdb-buildbot.osci.io/results/ takes up 24GB when the log files are individually compressed with xz, but only 3.2GB when the files are packed into a Git repo using bunsen.

This is an early release of the bunsen codebase, meant to act as a demo for my lightning talk at GNU Cauldron 2019. The codebase is intended as a starting point towards automatic regression detection and analysis for free software projects whose testing setup generates a large volume of test results across different system configurations.


bunsen requires Git, Python 3 and the following libraries:

$ pip3 install --user tqdm # see https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm
$ pip3 install --user GitPython # see https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython
$ pip3 install --user dateparser # see https://github.com/scrapinghub/dateparser

Getting Started -- Demo on GDB Test Result Data

Use the following commands to clone a pre-constructed sample collection of test results from the GDB project:

$ git clone https://github.com/serhei/bunsen.git bunsen-gdb-demo
$ cd bunsen-gdb-demo
$ git clone --bare https://github.com/serhei/bunsen-gdb-sample-data .bunsen/bunsen.git
$ ./bunsen.py init

Obtain a copy of the binutils-gdb repo for analysis scripts that refer to the project's commit history:

$ git clone git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git

Analysis scripts are located under ./scripts-master/ and invoked with ./bunsen.py run +name_of_script args....

For example, to list all testruns in the collection:

$ ./bunsen.py run +list_runs

This command invokes scripts-master/list_runs.py on the bunsen collection located at .bunsen/bunsen.git.

Each testrun in the bunsen collection is identified by its bunsen_commit_id, the hexsha of a commit in the bunsen Git repo. The Git repo stores the following data for each testrun:

  • On branch gdb/testlogs-<year>-<month>, commit <hexsha>: the original DejaGNU .log and .sum files. The commit message contains a brief JSON summary of the testrun (e.g. pass/fail count, architecture, version).
  • On branch index, latest commit, within file gdb-<year>-<month>.json: a brief JSON summary of the testrun.
  • On branch gdb/testruns-<year>-<month>-<extra>, latest commit, within file gdb-<hexsha>.json: a full JSON representation of the testrun (including detailed pass/fail information and line coordinates of each testcase in the original logs).

Here <year>-<month> is the date the testrun was performed, <extra> is an additional cookie used to separate testruns files into several branches and reduce Git working copy size. The name of the testruns branch is specified by the brief JSON summary's 'bunsen_testruns_branch' field.

You can clone the bunsen Git repo for manual inspection with ./bunsen.py checkout-wd. But it's more convenient to run analysis scripts to summarize the information.

For example, to list which commits in the binutils-gdb repo were tested:

$ ./bunsen.py run +list_commits ./binutils-gdb gdb

For each binutils-gdb commit that was tested, the output of +list_commits includes several testruns:

fdd5026 RISC-V: Force linker error exit after unresolvable reloc.
* 2019-08 341fae762ec4e2c366a3ca36f35495e2f794cb55 53242 pass 456 fail
{"source_commit": "fdd502691f8b893e321f19260464831f9726c5d4", "source_branch": "master", "pass_count": 53242, "fail_count": 456, "arch": "i686", "version": "", "year_month": "2019-08", "osver": "Fedora-i686", "bunsen_testlogs_branch": "gdb/testlogs-2019-08", "bunsen_testruns_branch": "gdb/testruns-2019-08-Fedora-i686", "bunsen_commit_id": "341fae762ec4e2c366a3ca36f35495e2f794cb55"}
* 2019-08 6082b723658ced456a82b1385b890c7dfbd2a709 55117 pass 409 fail
{"source_commit": "fdd502691f8b893e321f19260464831f9726c5d4", "source_branch": "master", "pass_count": 55117, "fail_count": 409, "arch": "x86_64", "version": "", "year_month": "2019-08", "osver": "Fedora-x86_64-m32", "bunsen_testlogs_branch": "gdb/testlogs-2019-08", "bunsen_testruns_branch": "gdb/testruns-2019-08-Fedora-x86_64-m32", "bunsen_commit_id": "6082b723658ced456a82b1385b890c7dfbd2a709"}
* 2019-08 cfe98a2a91c2f2ab918e03f22dba02480146a8b4 55383 pass 1297 fail
{"source_commit": "fdd502691f8b893e321f19260464831f9726c5d4", "source_branch": "master", "pass_count": 55383, "fail_count": 1297, "arch": "x86_64", "version": "", "year_month": "2019-08", "osver": "Fedora-x86_64-m64", "bunsen_testlogs_branch": "gdb/testlogs-2019-08", "bunsen_testruns_branch": "gdb/testruns-2019-08-Fedora-x86_64-m64", "bunsen_commit_id": "cfe98a2a91c2f2ab918e03f22dba02480146a8b4"}
* 2019-08 a69ec69d768ccc6a7d1117b9531f9dedd65a5b0e 48655 pass 374 fail
{"source_commit": "fdd502691f8b893e321f19260464831f9726c5d4", "source_branch": "master", "pass_count": 48655, "fail_count": 374, "arch": "armhf", "version": "", "year_month": "2019-08", "osver": "Ubuntu-ARMhf-m32", "bunsen_testlogs_branch": "gdb/testlogs-2019-08", "bunsen_testruns_branch": "gdb/testruns-2019-08-Ubuntu-ARMhf-m32", "bunsen_commit_id": "a69ec69d768ccc6a7d1117b9531f9dedd65a5b0e"}
* 2019-08 149ed94060fadd396a029847736a162f947ba60b 51759 pass 190 fail
{"source_commit": "fdd502691f8b893e321f19260464831f9726c5d4", "source_branch": "master", "pass_count": 51759, "fail_count": 190, "arch": "aarch64", "version": "", "year_month": "2019-08", "osver": "Ubuntu-Aarch64-m64", "bunsen_testlogs_branch": "gdb/testlogs-2019-08", "bunsen_testruns_branch": "gdb/testruns-2019-08-Ubuntu-Aarch64-m64", "bunsen_commit_id": "149ed94060fadd396a029847736a162f947ba60b"}

47a536d Remove "\nError: " suffix from nat/fork-inferior.c:trace_start_error warning message
* 2019-08 445470177832ed9d6fad93a213ce26ff5b0f4747 53403 pass 296 fail
{"source_commit": "47a536d940d2f2bccfec51539b857da06ebc429e", "source_branch": "master", "pass_count": 53403, "fail_count": 296, "arch": "i686", "version": "", "year_month": "2019-08", "osver": "Fedora-i686", "bunsen_testlogs_branch": "gdb/testlogs-2019-08", "bunsen_testruns_branch": "gdb/testruns-2019-08-Fedora-i686", "bunsen_commit_id": "445470177832ed9d6fad93a213ce26ff5b0f4747"}
* 2019-08 4b1262198311aab313188812527952a9cfdd8b04 55115 pass 408 fail
{"source_commit": "47a536d940d2f2bccfec51539b857da06ebc429e", "source_branch": "master", "pass_count": 55115, "fail_count": 408, "arch": "x86_64", "version": "", "year_month": "2019-08", "osver": "Fedora-x86_64-m32", "bunsen_testlogs_branch": "gdb/testlogs-2019-08", "bunsen_testruns_branch": "gdb/testruns-2019-08-Fedora-x86_64-m32", "bunsen_commit_id": "4b1262198311aab313188812527952a9cfdd8b04"}
* 2019-08 d1911a937552aad77f73972fa1cb840a12b061f6 55386 pass 1294 fail
{"source_commit": "47a536d940d2f2bccfec51539b857da06ebc429e", "source_branch": "master", "pass_count": 55386, "fail_count": 1294, "arch": "x86_64", "version": "", "year_month": "2019-08", "osver": "Fedora-x86_64-m64", "bunsen_testlogs_branch": "gdb/testlogs-2019-08", "bunsen_testruns_branch": "gdb/testruns-2019-08-Fedora-x86_64-m64", "bunsen_commit_id": "d1911a937552aad77f73972fa1cb840a12b061f6"}
* 2019-08 e1b25d4c1289fa661536c0cac2483ff535095f2a 48640 pass 378 fail
{"source_commit": "47a536d940d2f2bccfec51539b857da06ebc429e", "source_branch": "master", "pass_count": 48640, "fail_count": 378, "arch": "armhf", "version": "", "year_month": "2019-08", "osver": "Ubuntu-ARMhf-m32", "bunsen_testlogs_branch": "gdb/testlogs-2019-08", "bunsen_testruns_branch": "gdb/testruns-2019-08-Ubuntu-ARMhf-m32", "bunsen_commit_id": "e1b25d4c1289fa661536c0cac2483ff535095f2a"}
* 2019-08 f61d8b207fd414c6165cbcee028cf28f77c3f84b 51754 pass 190 fail
{"source_commit": "47a536d940d2f2bccfec51539b857da06ebc429e", "source_branch": "master", "pass_count": 51754, "fail_count": 190, "arch": "aarch64", "version": "", "year_month": "2019-08", "osver": "Ubuntu-Aarch64-m64", "bunsen_testlogs_branch": "gdb/testlogs-2019-08", "bunsen_testruns_branch": "gdb/testruns-2019-08-Ubuntu-Aarch64-m64", "bunsen_commit_id": "f61d8b207fd414c6165cbcee028cf28f77c3f84b"}


Suppose we want to compare the test results for binutils-gdb commits 47a536d and fdd5026. We can use +diff_runs to compare two individual testruns by specifying their bunsen_commit_ids:

$ ./bunsen.py run +diff_runs 4454701 341fae7

That said, commits 47a536d and fdd5026 were each tested on 5 different machines. Comparing the results one testrun at a time will be inconvenient. Instead, we can summarize the differences between all testruns (comparing matching configurations where available, and showing each regression only once) with the +diff_commits script:

$ ./bunsen.py run +diff_commits 47a536d fdd5026

Included Analysis Scripts

Note on command line arguments: All testruns in a bunsen collection are tagged with a project name (for example, gdb is the project name for all testruns in the sample GDB test results collection) and a bunsen commit id. The bunsen commit id uniquely identifies the testrun, and is the commit id of the commit containing the testrun's original test logs within the bunsen Git repo.

Viewing test results:

  • +list_runs [<project>] lists all testruns (or all testruns under project).
  • +list_commits <source_repo> [<project>] lists the testruns (or the testruns under project) for each commit in the master branch of the Git repo source_repo.

Comparing test results:

  • +diff_runs <baseline_id> <testrun_id> compares the testrun testrun_id against the baseline testrun baseline_id. (Testruns are identified by their bunsen commit id.)
  • (Work in progress.) +diff_commits <source_repo> <baseline_commit> <commit> compares testruns for commit in source_repo against testruns for the baseline commit baseline_commit and summarizes regressions.

(Work in progress.) Examples of other analyses:

  • +when_failed <source_repo> <project> <key> walks the history of the master branch of the Git repo source_repo. For every commit, +when_failed compares testruns under with testruns for the parent commit, then prints a summary of how test results changed for test cases whose name contains key.

Adapting to Your Own Project's Needs

(Work in progress.) This functionality is not yet complete. Some assembly required.

My goal is to write a 'batteries included' DejaGNU test log indexing script that can be pointed at a directory of test results to generate a reasonable bunsen collection with minimal adaptations, if any. But DejaGNU test log formats can vary and it will take more time and effort to develop code that handles these variations.

Right now, if you want to use bunsen analyses on your own project's test results, you will need to write your own DejaGNU test log parser. Two example parsers are included, scripts-master/gdb/parse_dejagnu.py (389 lines) and scripts-master/systemtap/parse_dejagnu.py (432 lines). These parsers provide a good template to follow and illustrate some of the concerns that arise when parsing DejaGNU files.

You will also need to write a script that invokes your parser on a repository of test logs and uses the bunsen.py library to assemble an indexed bunsen collection. scripts-master/gdb/commit_logs.py (281 lines) provides an example of how this is done.