
Primary LanguageC++

HN Query

This repository contains a small utility designed to query the query log and extract some interesting indicators from those logs.

The utility supports two commands:

  • Compute the number of distinct searches during a specific range of time:
query distinct --from "2015-08-01 08:30" --to "2015-08-01 10:00" path/to/log
  • Extract the n most popular searches during a specific range of time:
query top 3 --from "2015-08-01 08:30" --to "2015-08-01 10:00" path/to/log


Date format

There are two parsers in the program: the command line parser, and the file parser. Both use the same parser for dates.

Dates are parsed into a date_t structure that stores it as various components (year, month, day, ...) all packed on 64bit, and ordered in a way that guarantee that dates are comparable as 64bit integers. This allows the range to be easily expressed as non-fully qualified dates.

For example, if we provide the date '2015-08-01' on command line, it is stored in a integer in the form:

 2015 08 01 XX XX XX
 YYYY MM DD hh mm ss

In case we want a lower-bound, we fill the XX with 0s, in case we want an upper bound, we fill the XX with Fs. In the end, we do have a strictly ordered format for date that support partial-definition.

Decimation on date

The decimation on date is performed directly during the parsing of the input file.

Because dates are stored as integers, date comparison is quick. As a consequence, we can perform the decimation of log lines that are not in the expected range of date directly while parsing the file. The ensures we won't have to perform heavy computation on lines that we don't care about.

Distinct queries

The implementation of the distinct command is done using an unordered_set. This data-structure provides the key-deduplication and provide the interface to efficiently get the count.

Moreover, as opposed to the simple set, it is unordered and thus free the CPU from some extra computation.

The insertion in an unordered_set, which is implemented using a hash-table, has a complexity of amortized O(1). This means that, if we have few collisions (keys with the same hash value) the insertion will be done in constant time.

The unordered_set must store the keys, so it contains one instance of every single distinct search.

The workflow of the command is:

  • parse the files (the total size of the files is named S) and decimate lines based on the date: this has a complexity of O(N) where N is the number of lines and produces M lines to process in the following step (M <= N).
  • insert the search strings in the unordered_map. This has a complexity of O(M), and will store K distinct keys (K <= M). The size of the storage is the sum of the lenght of the K keys (plus some overhead). So, the memory usage is O(K * strlen(K)) with K * strlen(K) < S.
  • count the number of entries in the unordered_set.

As a consequence, the parser has to read S bytes, and the complexity can go up to O(N) insertions and O(S) bytes stored in memory.

Top n queries

The implementation of the top n command is done using an unordered_map from the search string to the number of occurrences of that string. When all the input files have been processed, the map is enumerated and the top-n entries are stored in small vector. That second step uses a bubble-insertion which is written quite naively, supposing n is small. For big values of n a binary search should be used.

The first step has a complexity of O(M) and stores O(K * strlen(K)) bytes in memory. The second step has a complexity of O(K * n) (n is from top n).

In order to test the implementation, the results where confronted to those of the following command:

cat ~/Downloads/hn_logs.tsv | cut -f 2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -n 5

Development and Tools

The code is probably not idiomatic C++. It was written on macOS using VIM. Memory checking was done using Address Sanitizer, and some profiling was done using Instruments.

A minimalistic Makefile is provided.