
A Svelte component for an airport-like ticker board display.

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT

Ticker Board

See live demo



The privided type declarations should give enough information about library's parameters. There are two intended ways to use the component:

As a Svelte component

	import Board from 'path/to/component/Board.svelte'

	const words = ['Hello', 'World']

<Board {words} duration={7500} durationPerLetter={150} />

As plain JS

You can compile the Svelte component to plain JavaScript using rollup:

pnpm run rollup

This generates a .js and a .css file in the output folder which can be imported into your project:

// createBoard.js

import { Board } from 'path/to/output/index.js'

// Wait for the target element to be accessible.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
	// Instantiate the component. Your IDE should be able to provide type information here.
	new Board({
		target: document.querySelector('#target'),
		props: {
			words: ['Hello', 'World'],
			durationPerLetter: 150,
			duration: 7500,
<!-- index.html -->

		<!-- Import the compiled style sheet. -->
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/output/index.css" />

			Use module type as the bundle is compiled for ES module syntax.
			This can be customized in rollup.config.js.
		<script type="module" src="createBoard.js"></script>
		<div id="target" />