
Media Rich Presence for Discord. YouTube, YouTube Music, Netflix, SoundCloud...

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

version Discord

PreMiD · Discord Rich Presence for your Media!

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PreMiD is a simple, configurable utility that allows you to show what you're watching/listening in your Discord now playing status. It supports many different platforms, and will support multiple users watching the same content simultaneously in an upcoming update.


  • Integrates with Discord's official Rich Presence API library.
  • Supports your keyboard's Media Control function keys.
  • Automatically clears your current presence after 1 minute of inactivity.
  • Supports YouTube, YouTube Music, Netflix, SoundCloud, JKAnime, KissAnime and many more to come.
  • Watch parties and more are coming soon!

Table of contents


Operating Systems

  • Windows
  • Mac OS


  • Chrome
  • Opera


  • YouTube
  • YouTube Music
  • Netflix
  • SoundCloud
  • Twitch
  • JKAnime
  • KissAnime

One missing? Open an Issue!



Installing the Chrome extension (Click to expand)

Chrome Extension Installation

  1. Click this link
  2. Click "add to Chrome"
  3. Install the application
Installing the Opera extension (Click to expand)

Opera Extension Installation

  1. Install the extension called "Install Chrome Extensions"
  2. Now install the PreMiD extension
  3. Install the application


Mac OS (Click to expand)

Installation on Mac OS

  1. Download the latest version of the application
  2. Open the downloaded .dmg file
  3. Drag PreMiD Into your Applications Folder
  4. Open your Launchpad or press F4
  5. Open PreMiD
  6. Press "Allow" if a window pops up
  7. Install extension if not already
Windows (Click to expand)

Installation on Windows

  1. Download the latest installer from here
  2. Open the downloaded .exe installer
  3. If SmartScreen comes up press more informations then press run anyways. (It's not a virus, I promise.)
  4. YouTube Presence should install itself and start automatically. (You can tell by looking at the taskbar.)
  5. Install the extension, if you haven't already.

PreMiD - Discord Rich Presence for your Media!