Images, video and YouTube: fetch, encode, scale, lazyload – for best UX and Web Vitals.
✨ Builds optimized HTML for arbitrary image, video and YouTube syntax, such as URLs, markdown or JSX tags.
⚡ Encodes to the modern AV1/AVIF format compressing by up to 90% without noticeable quality loss. Supports GPU acceleration.
♻️ Works with most known media formats: JPEG, PNG, APNG, SVG, GIF, WEBP, WEBM, MP4, AVI, MOV, MKV, BMP, TIFF, TGA and even PSD.
🌊 Generates tiny blurred covers from the source content to be beautifully crossfaded into HD originals once lazy-loaded.
📐 Optionally scales down the content to specified threshold while preserving high-resolution variants for high-DPI displays.
🌐 Fetches from remote sources, such as image hostings. Uploads optimized content to designated endpoint, such as CDN.
🗺️ Built-in plugins for Astro, SvelteKit, SolidStart, VitePress, Nuxt and Remix. Adapters for Node, Deno and Bun runtimes.