
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 15.1.2.

build using Angular material.

Integrate with Firebase Authentication and realtime databse.


  • firebase
  • @angular/fire
  • angular/material
  • ng2-validation
  • rxjs
  • redux
  • country-state-city


Ecommerce application integration with database firebase-realtime-databae noSql.

use google and facebook provider to generate authentication using firebase .

also u can generate your own email authentication with JWT.

apply Authorization for Admin user that give applity to admin to apply CRUD operator to products>

use Angular Material to build SPA with beauty theme and responcive Design.

using redux to manage the state for app under maintain.

have multiable view throw demonstrat Routing in my app

using router authGrad for auth user and authAdminGaurd for admin .

programming concept

  • sepration of concern Princable
  • Information expert throw Assign responsibility to the class that has the information needed
  • cohesion princable
  • clean code [nameSpace , Single-responsibility ,method name ]


Admin account demo. password:ftoh12345.
