
a plugin for input content into markdown

Primary LanguageVim Script


Get url title and input as markdown format.

This plugin needs curl support.


  1. :UpdateLink
  2. :UpdateJira



let g:jira_username='jira-user-name'
let g:jira_password='jira-password'

" the url prefix for jira issue item
let g:jira_url_prefix='http://jira.abc.com/path/'

" function to filter page title
function! JiraTitleFilter(title, url)
    let jiraItemPattern = '\/[a-zA-Z]\+-[0-9]\+'
    let filteredTitle = a:title

    " is a jira item
    if match(a:url, jiraItemPattern) > -1
        let start = '^\s*\[[A-Z0-9a-z-]\+\]\s*'
        let end = '\s\+-\s\+ABC\s\+JIRA\s*$'
        let filteredTitle = substitute(filteredTitle, start, '', '')
        let filteredTitle = substitute(filteredTitle, end, '', '')

    return filteredTitle

chang log

  • 2019-05-24
    • Use curl to download file, python is not need
  • 2019-05-05
    • Change dependence from python to python3
  • 2016-01-13
    • Add support for multiple urls in one line
    • Better performance