react-native-app-intro is a react native component implementing a parallax effect welcome page using base on react-native-swiper , similar to the one found in Google's app like Sheet, Drive, Docs...
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undefined recEvt[mappingKey].
#106 opened by Werewolve - 9
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Done, Skip, and Dots not showing
#105 opened by TylerB24890 - 3
Change Component State reset index
#69 opened by asantarissy - 3
Go to a specific page
#99 opened by ashrafonline - 8
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#61 opened by renancaraujo - 3
view cannot response touchableopacity onpress
#73 opened by kendy37 - 1
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how can i disable swipe behavior ?
#131 opened by tunaSalad2406 - 3
still working ?
#107 opened by grohsfabian - 0
i have get the error. i have try diff diff sinario to set ref and check but no any effect
#130 opened by asifvora - 3
ScrollView not working in Android
#85 opened by abhideepmallick - 0
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React Native Web support
#126 opened by ButuzGOL - 1
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No git binary found in $PATH
#119 opened by rkzhap123 - 10
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Cannot install with npm
#124 opened by mustfullDev - 0
typescript give error
#123 opened by linchen2chris - 1
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How can i set a font?
#101 opened by dfavaro - 2
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Proposal of channel discussion
#116 opened by MichelDiz - 2
Skip and done button overlaps over the dots in the ios app while looks good in the android version
#111 opened by singhalok641 - 2
Use original react-native-swiper
#97 opened - 0
'Done' button is not all clickable on web
#114 opened by pgmemk - 0
Cannot use a button(Touchable Highlight)
#108 opened by sbbeez - 8
Cannot read property 'bool' of undefined
#102 opened by marcoizzo - 3
Error on app launch
#100 opened by dfavaro - 0
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#71 opened by dantman - 1
How can I add it to Expo XDE project
#92 opened by nipasarker01 - 0
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The problem of dynamically generating views
#89 opened by fuhaogit - 0
Custom views wont work with just 1 slide
#88 opened by nonotest - 2
First Page doesn't show
#66 opened by amaury1093 - 0
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btn and dot style
#74 opened by qingtian5266 - 1
Stagger when using custom view
#75 opened by tokict - 1
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right padding
#81 opened by lisowska - 0
What are custom views?
#82 opened by smooJitter - 0
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Done button is not working on iOS
#62 opened by rohitgoyal - 0
full page, hide status bar
#78 opened by tzookb - 0
About text size and other styles of buttons
#77 opened by testerliu - 1
The component doesn't support "RTL" dirction
#64 opened by cpe89 - 0
installation through npm failed
#63 opened by mofc3t15