- 1
Multipart request problem
#104 opened by gabornemeth - 1
- 3
- 0
Upgrade to .netstandard 2.0, core 2.0
#101 opened by ghd258 - 0
How use OAuth1Authenticator with RSA certificate .pfx
#100 opened by ma3yta - 4
- 1
Looking for maintainer
#99 opened by fubar-coder - 5
Timeout while getting response from the server
#97 opened by kinju4374 - 1
Where is RestClient?
#96 opened by im1dermike - 13
- 1
iOS fails to resolve the library
#92 opened by nodoid - 5
- 2
- 4
Move Authenticator to RestRequest
#91 opened by adamhathcock - 4
`System.Net.IWebProxy` defined for all WebRequest PCL versions, preventing compilation due to type redefinition (tested on PCL profile 259)
#79 opened by ggirard07 - 1
The binary is built in debug mode uwp store.
#90 opened by nEVIL2142 - 5
#75 opened by yaliashkevich - 4
Cannot use AddBody and AddFile at the same time.
#89 opened by mikevmil - 2
Problem with Xamarin.Forms and UWP
#88 opened by raminmjj - 1
Port from RestSharp for a Xamarin Forms Project
#86 opened by bolenton - 11
- 1
Error when using Android Xamarin
#80 opened by Nightw0rk - 5
NullReferenceException with Method.PUT
#84 opened by dmitrydvm - 1
Process streamed results
#76 opened by jchannon - 1
Query String Encoding for '+' on Get request
#73 opened by MarcMenghin - 2
How remove Header "Expect", from request?
#77 opened by Nightw0rk - 0
Cookies from IRestResponse?
#85 opened by shayo - 1
Help: Support of SSL and TSL
#87 opened by iducool - 7
RestClient.Execute hangs sometimes
#82 opened by Ed156 - 10
- 8
System.MissingFieldException: Field 'RestSharp.Portable.HttpClient.RestClient/<Execute>d__6`1<T_REF>.<>4__this' not found.
#70 opened by kartikbb - 1
AddHandler not in v4
#72 opened by jchannon - 7
Proxy property is not working on iOS devices
#57 opened by zevsst - 4
Execute synchronous version?
#62 opened by jchannon - 24
- 11
Response.Content property
#63 opened by jchannon - 2
- 16
PUT/POST form content is not quite right
#69 opened by jchannon - 2
- 7
- 1
Restsharp portable parallel requests are sent successively by one instance of RestClient
#66 opened by zevsst - 1
`System.MissingMethodException: Method 'HttpClientHandler.set_AutomaticDecompression` with Xamarin on OSX
#67 opened by Yaojian - 1
Service hangs when app was built with the mtouch parameter --tls-provider=appletls
#60 opened by Aktar - 3
Gzip config supported?
#59 opened by jchannon - 1
- 1
Object reference not set to an instance of an object when trying to do a PUT request
#58 opened by Alexisvt - 1
- 1
Any plans for dnxcore5 ?
#56 opened by StefH - 0
Inconsistency: byte array sometimes treated as base 64 and sometimes as URL encoded
#52 opened by fubar-coder - 0
Don't escape square brackets
#51 opened by fubar-coder