
capitalise initials in your inputfile

Primary LanguagePython






upup can read the file line by line and 'capitalise the first letter of each line and lowercase others'. upup supports text formats such as .txt .md etc.

upup 能够逐行读取文件,并“大写每一行的首字母,让其余字母小写”。upup支持的文本格式有.txt .md等等

how to use使用方法:

python3 upup.py -h

python3 upup.py -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>

python3 upup.py -m <inputfile1> <inputfile2> <outputfile1>

for example举例:

you can use python3 upup.py -i ./dictionary.txt -o /new.txt to capitalise the first letter of each line in your dictionary.txt and lowercase others and then output as new.txt.

你可以使用 python3 upup.py -i ./dictionary.txt -o /new.txt 来大写你dictionary.txt文件的每一行首字母,并让其余字母小写,并将文件输出为new.txt

-m means merge. You can use this command to merge two files and delete the same lines to output a new file.

-m 指合并。你可以使用这条命令来让两个文件合并,并删除相同的行,生成一个新文件。